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-corbyn ran, dodging any piece of furniture he could as bullets wizzed last him. "you guys have terrible aim!" he called to the group of 6 to 10 year olds chasing him. jumping on the couch he cocked his toy gun before aiming at his three kids who stared up at him wide eyed. "three of us and one of you, dad. your chances are very slim," spoke jackson - the eldest. "who said i didn't bring back up?" and just as those words left his mouth you rounded the corner, catching jackson and michael in the back while corbyn caught malia. they all screamed in laughter, their fingers pulling at the triggers. "you guys lost! parents remain undefeated!" yelled corbyn as he tossed malia into the air.

-laying flat on his stomach, daniel laughed at the sounds his five month old kids were making. they both had their small pink tongues sticking out, blowing raspberries before bursting into a small fit of giggles. sticking out his own tongue, he pulled off a funny face causing jaeden and allisa to quiet down before falling into another giggle fit. allisa rolled over so she was on her back, her hands grabbing her small feet. "you're very cute," smiled daniel as he kissed her small nose, "and your very handsome," he moved to kiss jaedens only for him to grab his lips and give a hard pull.

-"okay steve," drawled out jack as he glared at the young boy infront of him. "what is it exactly that you want with my daughter." "n-nothing, i j-just really like her a-and wanna take her out," gulped steve. "right, yeah out." "jack," you warned from your spot next to him on the couch. "i'm gonna make this simple," jack leaned foreword so his elbows rested on his knees as he trained his eyes in steve, "she's back before midnight, and no funny business. got it?" steve frantically nodded, his eyes wide. "hey steve, sorry to keep you waiting." jasmine bounded down the stairs, a smile on her face as she entered the living area. "no problem, jas. you look bea-i mean good. you look good," he corrected himself as he caught jacks darkening stare.

-you watched from your spot on the sand as aaron ran towards his dad, effectively knocking him into the water as caitlyn and olivia cheered. it was a hot summer day and jonah had decided to take you all to the beach and enjoy the day as a family. "aah! no, mom!" you heard caitlyn cry as jonah grabbed her around the waist before tugging her into the water. "olivia run!" aaron grabbed his younger sisters hand and attempted to swim away but jonah quickly caught a hold of them. "you can't escape me!" he called out in a dork like manner, "i am the dark lord!" and with that he pushed aaron's head below the water before grabbing olivia and spinning her around, her small limbs flying as she screamed out in giggles.

-"i think i like someone," blurted it liam, interrupting the movie he and his dad were watching. "what?" zach grabbed the remote pausing the movie before turning to face his son. "i uh, i think that i like...someone?" "oh." "yeah," "what's their name?" "it's simone. she wears these big glasses and loves math. her skin looks like dark caramel and her hair is very curly and long." liam threw his head back, letting it reset against the couch. "does she know that you like her?" "no, i'm too scared to tell her." "then show her. "what?" "yeah, you can buy her her favorite candy, flower, help her with her homework," "she's way smart, dad. as smart as me." liam now had a smile on his lips. "wow, that's a lot of smart," joked zach, "maybe you could write her a note?" "what if i did it in math equations?" "uh.." zach trailed off wondering if that were possible, "sure i guess?" "awesome!" liam hopped of the couch and ran up to his room, already starting on the note leaving zach with a proud smile.

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