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-car rides with corbyn are extremely fun. he can make the longest trip feel like 5 minutes. you two spend it listening to music, playing road games, or arguing about senseless things which later turns into one big inside joke.

-there's always music playing, acting as background noise. it's soft and only audible if you're both quiet. besides that you both like to indulge your selves in mindless conversations. he takes his eyes off the road a lot just to stare at you causing you to scold him about its dangers which would make him laugh.

-you're both either telling jokes and jamming out to music, or playing with each others fingers in complete silence the sounds coming from the open window being enough.

-not much is said between the two of you. it's a quiet ride with the windows rolled down, his hand caressing your thigh while you traced random shapes on his skin. it's a serene moment that feels like it lasts forever.

-he always tells you to buckle up and refuses to move the car unless you do so, once you do the radio is on with music as loud as you'll allow it to go. your hands rest in the middle, holding each others as you talk about whatever comes to mind.

hi, i'm back (:

thank you guys for being patient with me, i appreciate you guys so much and i love you!

i'm feeling a bit better than before so i thought why not try to get back into updating? so here i am.

again thank you all so sO much!!'♥️♥️

(i would've made a cheesy essay but i'm keeping it short, just wanted to let y'all know that i really really do appreciate how patient you've been, and every single one of you that sent me a message letting me know you'd be here. it really did help (: )

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