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-photographic memory
-you can remember everything.
-it works to your advantage (cos ya know, that soul sucking place we call school?)
-you and corbyn were hanging one day when he got hungry and wanted to go out for food
-he asked you where you wanted to go you didn't know (he didn't either)
-you then started listing some your favorite places and everything they had on their menus
-"how? what? how do you remember all of that?"
-he's so freaked out
-"i have photographic memory. i never forget things."
-stats questioning you abt things that happened forever ago

-your an excellent chef
-you've never really cooked for daniel
-but one day he was working late and wanted to come home and see you
-so he gave you a spare key their house and asked to wait for him there
-while you waited you decided to cook the boys a nice meal since they've worked so hard (and eat take out practically all the time)
-when they came back they were ultimately surprised by the amount of food waiting for them
-"when did you learn to cook?"
-"since before i could walk"
-they tried the food. freaked out again because of how good it was
-"oh my god, y/n"
-"who taught you?"
-"my grandma. she was obsessed with cooking and baking"

-handy mandy
-you can fix almost anything
-growing up your dad was obsessed with mechanics
-taught how to fix cars first
-then other household items
-you were over at jack's place once
-it was really hot out and there was something wrong with the A.C
-he and daniel were pressing random buttons seeing it works
-you asked to take a look
-they left you alone for a few minutes and when they came back it was working
-"what'd you do?"
-"how'd you do that?"

-your naturally flexible
-you were backstage with the guys once
-zach had a long stick tat he was waving around
-you were standing behind him when he sung it backwards
-you basically did a bridge with no hands
-when you came back up you were about to scold him for almost "killing you" but the looks in everyone's faces stopped you
-"what?" you asked
-"you can bend like that?"
-that's when you told them
-they spend the next hour asking you to do a bunch of things

-math genius
-you can do any math problem in your head
-you were helping his younger brother, ryan, with his homework while staying at his place
-you were going over some multiplication for a problem
-"so 24 by 18 would be...432?"
-"yup." he put down his calculator and wrote it down before continuing
-"how'd you do that?"
-you looked over to find zach watching you form his place on the couch behind you
-you shrugged before going back to helping ryan
-"you're too smart for me."
-"you're too cute for me."
-"you both are too gross for me."

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