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-he tries to make it to as many games as possible.
-biggest sign ever
-his face is striped with your team colors
-screaming whenever you have the ball or make a goal
-is on his feet the entire time
-whenever you catch his eye he's smiling so proudly at you
-starts stomping his feet when there's only a few seconds left
-everyone starts doing it too
-is in the air when you make the goal
-it's like he's being murdered
-sprinting over to you when the games over
-both of you on the floor with him on top of you
-"that was awesome! you were great! i'm so proud of you! you were the be-"
-cutting him off with a kiss

-he's like your biggest supporter.
-tries to catch you before the game
-"dani your not supposed to be back here."
-"would never miss a chance to see my girl in spandex."
-recording some parts and putting it on his story.
-"look at her go!"
-loud cheers whenever you hit the ball
-running off the stands and over to you when the games over
-biggest hug ever
-"you were amazing baby!"

-field hockey
-if he's not there he makes sure someone records it
-when he is there he's screaming the whole game
-wearing your jersey
-he's the reason the whole crowd is hyped
-starts the wave
-starts chanting your name in the middle of breaks
-it's embarrassing but you love it
-he sends you cheeky air kisses
-lots of smiling
-waving around a foam finger
-accidentally slapping someone

-he's usually standing near the stands
-eyes on you the entire time
-whenever you run by him he sends you encouraging smiles
-"your doing amazing!"
-your lowkey smiling the entire time
-at the end hugs you vv tight
-"jonah i'm sweaty"
-"i don't care"
-kissing your entire face while complimenting you

-track and field
-he's in the stands
-he's like best friends with your coach?
-you don't know how
-he sneaks up on you while your stretching
-helps prep you
-"when that gun goes off you go flyin-"
-"uh yeah, that's kinda the whole point zach?"
-watching you while you stretch
-encouraging talks
-leaves after kissing your forehead and murmuring good luck and an "i love you"
-screams your name the second the pistol goes off
-"LETS GO Y/N!!"
-screams at every lap you complete
-at the end he's waiting for you with a bottle of water, a towel, and your favorite snack.
-"you were amazing babe"

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