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it's really bad but so is everything else. enjoy!

-"corbyn, we gotta go," jack said softly as he picked up his backpack. "no, she'll be here just a few more minutes." his foot anxiously tapped at the ground as he looked around the airport, hoping to spot you. jack sighed as he pulled up his hood, turning to face the boys with a small shrug. "we can't let him just stand there guys, she's not coming." daniel mumbled. "he won't listen ." jack looked back at corbyn. "i'll talk to him." jonah squares his shoulders before moving to stand next to his friend, his heart clenching at the sight of his anxious look and frown. "hey corbyn," "just a few more minutes jo, please." "we don't have anymore time, corbyn. everyone's already boarded. i know you love her and want her to be here but she's not coming." he patted corbyns shoulder in comfort. she's not coming. the words rooted themselves in corbyns mind until he was taking off.

-daniel was quick to catch up with you, his hand gripping your arm and pulling you to face him. "daniel let me g-" he cut you off with a hard kiss, his soft lips moving hastily with yours as his hands moved to your waist, tugging you into him. "don't leave me." he quietly begged when he pulled back, his voice cracking. "daniel i-" "im sorry, i shouldn't have pushed you. i'm just worried. you won't talk to me and i can tell you're not doing okay and i dont know how to help and it's just messing with me." you leaned into him so that your foreheads were touching, "i'm not ready to talk yet." you whispered. he let out a sigh, one of his hands leaving your waist to caress your cheek, "okay, that's fine. but i'll be here when you are. please know that." you leaned in further, connecting your lips again.

-jack could barely hear his friends calling for him, too caught up in his thoughts. he stared out the window of the van the were in, jumping when someone's shoe hit the glass, just barely missing his face. "zach! what're the hell!" "sorry! i was aiming for his shoulder!" jack turned to look at them, blinking at his surroundings. "you comin man? we finally stopped to get food?" daniel softly smiled at him, "we found your favorite." they moved aside, letting jack see the chipotle sign. "no, i'm good." "c'mon jack, you haven't had a full meal in weeks." "i said i'm fine." they grew silent as they stared at him, watching him go back to staring out the window. "jack, what happened with y/n?" zach asked, deciding to be the brave one and finally ask. he took the punches that came to his shoulder, mourning soemthing about them being wusses under his breath. "she never showed up to say good bye and you aren't attached to your phone talking to her like you always are. are you guys okay?" jack shook his head, "she's okay. she's gonna find someone better."

-you closed your phone, ignoring the millionth call sent your way from jonah. you took a deep breath, the cold november air filled your lungs as you tried to steady your breathing. you'd been trying to avoid going to your apartment, knowing he'd be there. so you spent the last few days either at your friends place or wandering the streets. you regretted what you did to jonah but you knew it was for the best. he had a blossoming career and needed to focus on that. not you while you're stuck in your hometown stressing over college and jonahs safety as he traveled the country. he didn't need to worry about constantly calling you, or checking up on you, or stressing about you. he needed to focus on himself. you told yourself all of that over and over, hoping someday you'd belive it. snuggling deeper into your heavy coat and scarf you pushed forward, blaming the sudden tears on the harsh wind. "y/n! y/n!" you froze at the sound of his voice as the pounding of his feet neared you. you didn't move, not until he grabbed your arm, spinning you around and pulling you into a deep kiss that you felt everywhere. "i don't care if i'm in another country, hell another planet, or if we're too busy to call and text or if we're fighting. i don't care about any of that, only that no matter what you're by my side."

-zach couldn't remember the last time he hit the gym this hard. probably not since his soccer days back in high school. but working his muscles to the point of exhaustion right now was the only way he could get you off his mind for a few hours. he kept seeing your face, heartbroken as you watched him stand up and walk out on you. he wanted you, wanted everything you could and would give to him. he wanted it so bad that it scared him. i'm 18, still young. i don't need a serious relationship when there's so much to explore. those words became a mantra that got him through the day. but when he was home alone, in bed without you beside him, those words were nothing. he was nothing. what am i without you?

message !
i think i'm quitting wattpad..

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