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as requested by one of my many
lovely readers! ps: this is a
long one. not sorry

-when you arrived corbyn was busy packing his bags for his second tour of the year. you sat on his bed folding his clothing as he carefully collected his shoes, rambling on about how excited he was to perform and see his fans, but you couldn't focus on his words, too caught up in your thoughts. one of his socks hit your forehead, jolting you. "hey, you okay?" he asked from his place on the ground. "oh, uhm yeah, i'm fine, just thinking." you tried to twist your mouth into a smile but corbyn didn't fall for it. he stood up and moved so he was next to you, his hand brushing yours as he took the shirt you were folding out of your hands so he could hold them, "you've been really quiet this past week," he mumbled bending to meet your gaze, "talk to me." you shook your head before pulling out of his grasp and standing up off the bed. "i cant," you mumbled. "why?" he stayed on the bed, watching you. "just don't worry about me, 'kay? your going on tour, let's focus on that." you moved to other side of his bed, further from him, continuing your folding. "what do you mean not to worry," he stood up moving towards you but you ignored him, "y/n, hey look at me," he tried to pull you away from his clothes but you didn't budge, "baby of course i'm gonna worry if your upset, so just talk with me, tell me what's wrong, please?" "corbyn," your voice cracked as you tossed his a shirt aside, turning to face him. "i don't think i can do it." he quickly pulled you into him at the sight of your tears, "do what baby?" "this! i cant watch you leave me for months at a time!" you pulled away from him again. "wait what?" "i don't want you to leave again, you just got back and i - i don't know i just can't do it anymore." "y/n, it's my job. i cant just not go?" "i know that, and it just makes this so much harder." his eyes widened, worry filling them "makes what harder?" "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry corbyn, i love you i really love you, but i don't want to go days without talking with you because of time differences or because your too busy, i don't want to watch you get on the plane, knowing it'll be weeks before i get to hug you again, i don't want to see pictures of you in places that are thousands of miles away from me." you backed away when he tried to reach for you, his heart breaking at the sight, "y/n no." "i think it's best if we say good bye now, rather than later." "baby, no don't do that," "no corbyn, please just...just don't," you pulled your arm away from him when he reached for you again, wanting to pull you into him, "it's what's best." "for who, y/n? because it doesn't feel good at all for me!" you shook your head, turning your back on him and walking out of his room, stopping at the doorway "have fun on tour, okay? be safe, don't do anything stupid, and-" you paused, this was the part where you'd say i love you, "bye corbyn." "y/n! come back here! don't walk away from me! please!"

-"why can't you just talk to me!?" daniel followed you into your guys shared bedroom. "just drop it daniel! can't you respect that im not ready to tell you!" "i've been respecting that for weeks!" you shook your head, lips pursed. "i can help you, y/n. i want to help you, just please, tell me what's going on." he sounded tired, his eyes begging you. you'd been arguing for almost half an hour now, daniel repeating the same question of will you talk to me over and over. he'd noticed how distant you'd been for the past two weeks, it had worried him and you hated having him so stressed out because of you. but you couldn't bring yourself it tell him what was going on, despite how bad you wanted to. "i want to daniel, i really do but i can't." "what does that mean?" he was getting frustrated again. "i don't know!" you pulled on a pair of sweats as he watched you, covering up your bare legs and spandex shorts. "do you even really want to tell me? do you not trust me or something?" he questioned. you scoffed as you pulled the shirt out from your sweatpants, the oversized black shirt falling loosely in your body. "i trust you daniel, i always have. this is just different." "no it's really not. you either want to tell me or don't!" "you know what? yeah, you're right, i don't want to tell you. so just stop!" you slammed the dresser drawer shut as you pulled on some socks. "is it about us?" "what?" you turned to him confused. "is it about us? what your not telling me?" you bit your lip before turning away, pulling your hair into a ponytail, "i don't know." you mumbled. "y/n that- your being so unreasonable!" you shouldered past him after taking your sweatshirt off the hooks hanging on your closet door and into the living room where your shoes were. "where are you going?" "somewhere." "y/n-" "no daniel!" you angrily turned to face him, watching him stumble to a stop so he didn't bump into you, "i told you repeatedly i'm not ready to talk and all you've done is try to force me into telling you! so i'm leaving, and until you understand that you the more you bug me about the more i don't want to tell you, i'll be staying at y/b/f/n." his eyes furrowed as he watched you slip into your shoes and sweatshirt, "don't leave," he said, "i'm sorry okay, just, please don't leave." you let out a sigh, your chest squeezing at the sound of his broken voice. "bye dani." you ignored his calls and begs for you, cutting them off with the closing of the apartment door.

-"how can you say that?" you stumbled away from jack, hurt filling your eyes, "how can you say i don't love you when all i've done is that?" he shook his head, keeping his eyes on the ground. "you wouldn't understand." "understand? of course i don't understand! you're saying i don't love you and not giving me a reason as to why you think so!" "please don't yell." "what the hell jack!" "look, i'm sorry if i made you upset but it's how i feel," "why?!" "i just do okay!" "did i do something? did i say something? because i don't know what i possibly could've done for you to think that." you cried, tears flowing down your cheeks. "oh, no baby, you didn't do anything," jack rushed to you, pulling you into his arms, "none of it is your fault." he hugged you tight, his smell and soothing voice helping calm you. "then why?" he let out a sigh, hugging you tighter for a moment before letting go, his eyes rimmed red as he dropped a soft kiss on your lips. "i love you." he whispered. "i love you too, i do." you insisted, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. in response he pursed his lips before pulling away from you and grabbing his jacket off the couch. "jack?" you watched as he took small steps at first, moving further away from you, "jack, where are you going?" you followed him towards the door, "jack no, don't leave jack!" he did just that.

-"sit with me," you told jonah. patting the spot on the couch beside you. he took a moment to look at you, taking in the nervousness in your eyes, his own narrowing and he slowly lowered himself. "what's wrong?" you ignored the question, grabbing his hand and bringing it up to your lips, dropping a small kiss on each of his knuckles, "y/n?" "you know i love you, right?" "yeah?" his hand tightened on yours. "and because i love you so much, i'm doing this." "doing what?" you tried to pull away from him but he held your hand tight in his, "jonah, everyday you grow more and more, you make millions of people happy, you do what you love, you travel the world and live an amazing life." you started, smiling at him despite the tears pooling in your eyes. "what're you doing?" he asked, now scared. "i'm letting you go." "what? why? what did i do? baby, i'm sorry for what if did, i'm so sorry please don't s-" "jonah you didn't do anything," you reached up cupping his cheek with your other hand, "nothing okay?" he grabbed the hand on his cheek, now having both of your hands, "then why are you doing this?" his own tears began to fall. "because i'm holding you back, and i don't want to do that." "what? who told you that?" anger was audible in his voice, despite how sad his eyes were. "no one said anything to me," "then where did you get the ridiculous idea that you're holding me back?" "i am jonah! you just don't see it." he let you pull away this time, your hands falling out of his easily. "what am i not seeing?" "don't do that." "do what?!" "turn this into an argument!" "well what am i supposed to do? you're coming up with crazy things that are not true!" "yes it is! you have a career to focus on, to grow! having me just makes it harder to balance everything!" "i don't care! i don't fucking care because at the end of the day i get to be with person i love!" "no." you shook your head. "don't say that." "i'm sorry."

-zach chewed on the inside of his cheek, his foot anxiously tapping the ground. "zach?" you questioned from the other end of the couch, "you said you wanted to talk?" "y-yeah, i did." he cleared his throat before turning to face you. "okay, what is it?" your we're worried about what he was going to say, he'd been acting strange for days and when he texted you asking if he could come over and talk you quickly agreed, wanting to fix whatever it was that was obviously upsetting him. "okay uhm, i uh, i'm-" he paused taking a deep breath, "i'm breaking up with you." you met his comment with silence, completely stunned. after finally processing his words you looked at him, "what?" "i'm breaking up with you." you quickly stood, "why? what did i do?" he shook his head, standing up as well, "it's not you-" "don't you dare use that stupid phrase with me! what did i do?!" "nothing, y/n! it's all me!" "okay, what did you do?" "i just can't do it!" "do what?" "us, this, the commitment. i'm not ready for it." he looked away from you, "i feel like things are moving too fast." "what things, zach? we haven't hung out in weeks because of how busy you are, and when you're not busy you're too tired!" "i don't want this anymore, us, you, whatever i just don't want it." those were the words that broke your heart, the tears running down your cheeks quickly. "w-what?" "i'm sorry, i just can't." he practically ran out the door leaving you stunned and in tears in the middle of your living room.


yee yee

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