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-hugs from corbyn are probably the best thing ever. he's taller and stronger than you so when he wraps his arms around you, you can't help but feel all happy and warm at the sense of love and protection that flows through you.

-daniel is indeed a back popper. he loves to squeeze you against him, his face buried in your neck as he inhales your scent. you being in his arms just always makes him feel better.

-if jack could hug you all day, he probably would. he loves how he makes you feel protected and how warm he feels. especially when you've just washed your hair.

-jonah will hug you no matter what. you could be sick, angry, or sweaty. he likes having your smaller body pressed against his larger one. ((it makes him feel big and strong)) you don't complain.

-1)his hugs are your favorite things ever, 2) he smells really good. your face is always in his neck/chest and just sniffing. it makes him laughs and feel happy.

i'm running out
of ideas.

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