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-he was the smartest kid you'd ever met. hell the smartest guy this schools ever met. with his boyish charm, good looks, and intelligence, it was hard not to. so hard not to. when they looked at him they saw the guy that could maybe change the world, but when you looked at him you saw he got that owned your heart. but this was just high school, and this was just a typical school girl crush. you'd get over it, right?

-you tried your hardest to focus on your french teacher and not the boy smiling back at his friend at some stupid joke that only made sense to the two of them. she was gesturing wildly, trying to get you guys to understand what she was saying, not that you were really trying to, not with the blue eyed beauty sitting right in your line of sight. this would be the second year of you crushing on him, even after telling yourself you were over him. but you weren't. you were still the girl that was mearly a friend to him, while he was a boy that made french you're favorite class.

-if someone were to ask you what was happening right now, you'd reply with an honest i have no fucking clue. you knew squat about basketball. just that as long as the right team made the shot, everything was good. but you didn't care about which team was wining, you didn't care about cheering whenever an impressive shot was made, you didn't care about the school spirit you should be showing. the only reason you wasted $6 and your time was to come and watch #7 as he flew across the court, his wild curls tied in a small bun as he made shot after shot.

-he wore his letterman jacket just like the rest of his team, but somehow he stuck out. with his kind blue eyes and bright smile, he was easily the favorited out of all of them. all the guys befriended him, and all the girls crushed on him. your rolled your eyes as he laughed out loud, causing a bunch of people to look over with looks of admiration, watching him as he walked down the hall playfully shoving around is friends. why do they like him so much? you thought. probably for the same reasons you do.

-for once you were extremely grateful for assigned seats because it always meant he sits right beside you. he greeted you with a usual smile as he plopped down in his seat, his hand running through his messy brown hair. "morning." he said to you. you said it back, smiling at him hoping he'd install a conversation. but as usual all contact ended there as he leaned foreword in his seat, calling his fiends name. and soon you were forgotten.

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