"I LOVE YOU." 2/2

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-your back was pressed against corbyns chest as you watched him skillfully move his fingers across his controller, fighting against the enemy team that was displayed the t.v in front of you. "wait, i don't get it, how do you know who to shoot?" your own controller limply hung form your hands. "they have a red dot on top if them, see like that one-" he quickly shot the person advancing towards you. "oh, okay," you clicked around on the controller which ended up with your character moving in circles before accidentally shooting corbyn. "y/n!" he gasped. "oh my god did i just kill you? i'm so sorry! i don't even know how i did that! i didn't mean too, corb i'm so sor-" he quieted you with a kiss, his hands moving to your hips to spin you around. "it's okay, baby" he chuckled at your still guilty expression. "it's not a big deal okay? i love you," he leaned for another kiss stopping when he realized what he'd said.

-"stop," you groaned, glaring at the newly bleached hair boy in front of you, "please!" you closed your eyes and fell back against his bed, not wanting to watch him continuously hit the woah. "don't be jealous just 'cause you can't hit it like me," he tossed an imaginary item in the air and pretend to catch it, his movements skilled. "i will legit break up with if you do it again," you warned opening your eyes to watch as he crawled on top of you. "no you won't," he leaned down and pressed a kiss against your nose, his lips forming into a smile. "what makes you say that?" you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in, "because you can't live without me," he smirked. scoffing you pushed him off and stood up, "more like you can't live without me," "i won't deny it," his smirk grew as he watched you. "you're so lucky i love you or else your ass wou-" your eyes widened your movements pausing as you turned to face him, his expressions matching yours. "dani-" he cut you off by hitting the woah.

-your foot nervously tapped the floor of the wooden porch. hesitantly you raised your hand, your knuckle softly rapping against the door. you quietly hoped no one would answer as you shuffled around, biting your nails. "y/n?" jack stood at the door, shirtless, in his joggers a smile on his face. "what're you doing here," he reached out and grabbed your hand pulling you into a hug. "i uhm- i need to talk to you." at your words your felts his muscles tense under your hands. "oh, okay, let's go to my room," his hand tightly held yours as you both moved upstairs and into his bedroom. "what's up?" he asked taking a seat next you on his bed. running your sweaty palms against your jeans you took a deep breath. "i - jack i think - no i-" you stood up, the feeling of nausea taking over you. "y/n, whatever it is you can tell me okay?" three deep breaths later, you quickly whirled around to face him, and blurted out, "i love you!" he answered with silence his face blank. he blinked once, then twice, "you what?"

-once out of the bath jonah ran for you, you sat on his bed, moisturizing your body before slipping into a pair of spandex and one of his shirts. walking towards the kitchen you wrapped your hair up into a ponytail. "jonah?" you called for him. "over here," he walked out of the pantry, smiling as he caught a sight of you. "feeling better?" he walked over, kissing your forehead. "mhm, thank you for the bath, it really helped," he gave you another forehead kiss before moving back to the stove. "are you cooking?" you gasped as you quickly took a seat at the island, excited. he chuckled, "yeah, your favorite," grinning you continued to converse with him, watching his naked back as he moved around preparing your meal. "this smells amazing," you moaned at the sight of the food now laid in front of you. "try it," taking a bite, you let out another moan your eyes closing, "oh my god i love you so much." "uh... what?"

-the room filled with zach's laughter as he watched you slip on of his t-shirts "zach!" you groaned as you stood, blowing your hair out of your face, "i've told you so many times to put your c-" "clothes away, yeah i know," he interrupted you, calming himself down. "then why don't you," you picked up his shirt and tossed in the laundry bin near his door before jumping into bed next to him, keeping your distance. "i'm forgetful," he reached out to you out you swatted him away, "no, you laughed at me when i fell," you pouted and looked away. "what? when? i didn't do that," he gently pulled on your arm as you fought back a smile, refusing to face him. "babyy," he tugged in your arm, "im sorry, please don't be mad, i love yo-" he stopped himself and pulled away.


i was on facetime with my friend for 8 hours studying for one of five finals. three more to go!

also i don't know what was going on when i wrote daniels part.

andddd.... this doesn't match my other "I LOVE YOU" preference but by the time i realized that i was already almost done so who cares.

also go watch how to get away with murder it's one of the best


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