Is It Over Yet?

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Red peacefully rested at his Snowdin station, the wind was blowing calmly, creating the perfect breeze. The sound of birds softly chirping in a distance, the snow softly sinking down to the ground, and the sound of snow crunching underneath someone's footsteps... Wait-what? Red opened an eye slightly to see what was creating the sudden noise, but was too late. Boss picked him up angrily, "WHY THE HELL DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO FUCKING SLEEP ON THE JOB?!" Boss yelled vividly, his eye glowing a faint red color.

"b-boss! i-i can explain!" Red stammered.

"SHUT IT! I DO NOT WISH TO HEAR IT!" Boss snapped as he threw Red at his station, knocking his HP down to 0.5. Red winced as he laid on the ground rubbing his head. Once Red blinked, a bone was immediately shot right next to his skull, making Red's eyes widen and his soul pound against his scarred rib cage. Red shook briskly, feeling tears sting into his eyes.

"..i-i'm sor-" Red was interrupted with a sharp bone pointing to him.

"I SAID..." Boss paused for a few moments as he then shoved the bone into Red's left magic eye, making him scream in pain. "SHUT IT!" Boss finished as he ripped the bone from Red's eye, making Red drop to the ground while he practically clawed his eye in pain.

0.1/1 HP.

Tears mixed with blood streamed down his face, the snow beneath him becoming stained a blood red color.


Red's eyes widened, even though it pained him to even open his left eye as blood continued to leak from it. Another round of tears flowed from his eyes, making him feel more lightheaded. Boss then stormed off, not even thinking twice to look back, within a blink of an eye, Boss was gone. Red weakly took out his phone form his pocket and got to Classic's contact, and texted, "help" and then sent it, his arm then gave out and dropped, his phone falling into the snow. His skull throbbed giving him a major headache, but overall, Red was just confused... Yeah, he made another mistake, but Boss would usually forgive him after giving him a punishment... But, he never got his normal kind of punishment, now that he thought about it, he hasn't been given his normal kind of punishment in awhile-just a slap across the face, bringing his HP to 0.5-that had been how it was for about a month now... How had he not noticed? Before more tears were able to be shed, Red passed out in the now cold and bitter wind that surrounded his warm, dying body.

Red's eye fluttered open-his vision was blurred and it felt like his 'ears' were clogged, he couldn't hear very well, just this constant ringing... Red blinked a few times and his senses were cleared-but he still couldn't see very well... He could hardly even remember what happened... But then the memories flooded into his skull like a tsunami. Tears started to well up into his eyes again-but he refused-not again. He blinked a few times to get rid of the tears as he took a deep breath and sat up slightly, but pain pressed heavily against his skull, making it feel like it would burst. Red put his hands on his skull, and he squeezed his eye shut as he winced in pain. His hand was then drawn to this bandage like thing over his left eye... Huh. That's why he couldn't see very well.

"agh..where the hell am i?" Red asked himself as he looked around. this..almost looks like alphys' lab... could it be? wait, does that mean classic took me to his universe? but..where is he? could i still be in my universe, in my alphys' lab?!" Red thought as he felt himself start to fall into panic. His bones started to rattle as he shook violently, and his breathing became off and his soul started racing.

He fell into a panic attack.

Fast beeping sounds filled the room as the ECG (electrocardiogram) did its job on focusing on Red's soul beats as he had his panic attack. Suddenly the door was smashed open from two monsters running into the room.

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