Part 2

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You woke up the next morning in your new house. You had just moved yesterday and hadn't unpacked all the boxes yet, because some friends wanted to celebrate that you had moved to their city. You looked out and saw the Hollywood sign. Finally you were living in your dream city and had your dream house and that was all thanks to the saving up since you were 10 years old. You wanted to become a singer, but you didn't have the courage to begin yet. Quickly, you put on some clothes and went downstairs to get breakfast.

After breakfast you started to unpack the boxes. The big furniture was in its place; the bed, the couch, closets and etc. The first thing you started to unpack, were your clothes. You had a big walk in closet, so there was enough space. The time flew by, and all your clothes were unpacked and put in the closet. Then you heard a knock and went downstairs to get it.

''Hi! We're your new neighbo-'' you heard the well known voice of Daniel say. He looked so surprised and confused.

''Hi! Are we neighbors now?'' you asked with a small laugh.

''It sure does look like it'' Jack answered.

''Welcome to the neighborhood!'' Jonah and Zach said.

''Thank you.'' you said.

''Well, we baked you a cake and we hope you'll like it!'' Daniel said with an exited smile.

''And if you get food poisoning then blame it on Jack!'' Corbyn said seriously.

''Me?! Why me? It's Zach that doesn't know how to cook!'' Jack said with an offended look on his face.

''Hey! I'm right here!'' Zach said.

''Yes, sadly you are'' Corbyn and Jack said.

''Well do you guys want to come in?'' you asked laughing, because you surely could use some company.

''Yeah, we'd love to!'' Jonah answered politely.

You give them a tour of the house and then you take them to the kitchen where you find some plates and glasses.

''Let me help you with that!'' Daniel said.

''Thank you Daniel''

He smiled his adorable smile and you felt your knees get weak.

''So Selena, how did you afford this house, because it is really big and beautiful!'' Zach asked while looking around.

''I've saved up since i was 10 years old.''

''10 years old?!'' Zach asked really surprised.

''Yeah I made myself a promise, and that was to live in my dream house when I grew up. And so I started to save up and here I am.'' you said with a laugh.

''Wow your willpower and self control is sick!'' Jonah said.

''I guess so'' you said.

''Do you have a job?'' Corbyn asked.

''No, but i have a job interview tomorrow, so now I need to hope''

''Well, you'll probably get it, so you've got nothing to worry about!'' Daniel said encouraging, ''By the way, what is the job?'' he asked.

''It's as a waitress at this fancy restaurant. I've worked as a waitress before, so I know what to do'' you said.

''Well, we're here for you and we'll help you if you need us!'' Jack said with a big smile.

''Oh you don't have to he-'' you said but Zach interrupted you: ''We will help you no matter what you say''

''Okay, then I'll just say thank you... A lot!'' you said with a smile.

You all ate the cake, and after that the boys helped you unpack the boxes. After that they all went home except Daniel. He wanted to stay and chat with you.

''It's so great that you live here now!'' he said smiling, ''I've missed you so much the past 2 years''

''I've missed you so much too! But it's weird, you haven't changed a bit. Okay yeah you look older than you did, but other than that you haven't changed.'' you say laughing.

''Well, you've changed...'' he said seriously but with a little smile on his lips.

''Should I take that as a compliment or?'' you asked with a laugh.

''Take it as a compliment, because i mean it in a good way. I didn't think it was possible, but you're more beautiful than you were and you're funnier.'' he said.

You blushed and looked down. In the past 2 years you had tried to forget my feelings for him, and it had worked.  Kind of... And now they just hit you like a truck.

''Okay then, I'll take it as a compliment. But am I more beautiful just because I lost all the weight? '' you said still red in the face.

''No! Of course not! You're more beautiful because your eyes are more beautiful'' he said with a smile.

It was really late, when he left, but you had enjoyed every moment with him. And the good part was that you'd probably see him every day from now on.

Published July 14th 2018

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