Part 14

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**Daniel's POV**

I woke up with Selena in my arms. She was still sleeping so I just took my phone and went on Instagram. I looked at the stories from last night and saw Logan's party on some guys story. I could see the creepy guy from yesterday grab Selena and kiss her. Selena tried to fight him, and then I could see me punching that guy unconscious. 'Drama at Logan's party' stood on the video. I rolled my eyes at the screen and turned off the phone. I got up without waking Selena and got breakfast ready. I made her all time favourite because I wanted to make her as happy as possible. I had only made the classy English breakfast twice in my life, so this was a challenge. The eggs and the sausages were looking good and the beans as well, hopefully as she wanted it. I was taking the bread out of the toaster when I heard her call my name and run down the stairs.

''Daniel? Are you making English breakfast?'' she asked eager and stumbled into the kitchen.

''Calm down you'll break yourself and yes it is'' I laughed and helped her up.

''I am going to get fat because of you! Will you still be with me if I get fat?'' she asked with a worried look on her face.

''Of course I will! I don't love you for your looks Selena, I love your personality. But you're still stunning!''

''Aw... You said you loved me'' she said.

I felt my cheeks get heated and I looked down. I didn't even realize I said that before she pointed it out.

''Don't worry Daniel! I love you too'' she said with the most heartwarming smile I had ever seen. Her eyes were sparkling in the morning sun that shone through the window. Her long brown hair fell down her shoulders and this was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I felt like the luckiest man alive and I wanted to marry this girl someday! 

''Selena Juliana Martinez what are you doing to me?'' I asked and closed the space between us. 

''I love you Daniel, but my stomach is really getting angry now, especially with the best meal on earth right in front of me'' she said seriously and started to fill her plate.

I laughed and starting to fill my plate too. I started eating and when she took her first bite she moaned loud. I almost choked because of that, and she started laughing her ass off. Tears were streaming down her face and you could see all her pearl white teeth. When she finally stopped laughing she looked at me for 5 seconds and started laughing again. That happened about 4-5 times until she finally was able to eat again. Don't get me; she was adorable when she laughed and I could watch it all day, but I had planned something for us and I didn't want to be late for that.

We got ready to leave and I drove while Selena was blindfolded and asked me questions about where we were going. That girl was really curious, let me tell you that!

**Selena's POV**

Daniel wouldn't tell me where were going so I kept asking questions, I wanted to figure it out. It felt like we were driving forever until he suddenly stopped. He led me out of the car and straight forward. Then he took the blindfold of me and when I opened my eyes I saw a giant air balloon in front of me.

''Daniel James Seavey! You are kidding me right now!''

''I hope you aren't afraid of heights'' he said smirking at me.

''How can you afford this?'' 

''It's from all the boys, Christina and Tate! Happy birthday!'' he said.

''Wait what? It isn't my birthday today, it isn't until-'' I said looking at my phone.

''It is my birthday! I completely forgot''

''Do you think I would forget your birthday?'' he said with that same smirk again.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the ballon with a picnic basket in the other one. We got into the balloon and he loosened the rope and we were flying away.

''Daniel, please tell me you know how to fly this!'' 

''Of course! I'm not crazy'' he said laughing.

''That can be discussed'' 

''What did you say?'' he said and tickled me.

''Daniel! I'm gonna fall if you do that again!'' 

He laughed and took the food out of the basket. It was delicious, all my favourite food was here; fruit, banana roll cake, chocolate and etc. We enjoyed our meal, while Daniel looked around to check that we weren't going to far. It was so beautiful and so romantic up here with him and I wanted the moment to last forever. But everything came to an end and we got to the place where we had to land. Before we landed, Daniel blindfolded me again. He led me out of the balloon and to the car again, then he started to drive. He turned the radio on so I wouldn't be so bored and could sing along. I heard 'Love yourself' by Justin Bieber and after that 'Like I'm gonna lose you' by Meghan Trainor came on. I loved the song so I sang with my heart. Speaking of my heart; I think it skipped a beat when my song came on. I couldn't believe my own ears and just gasped. 

''That's your song!'' Daniel yelled excitedly.

''I know it's freaking amazing!''

''I knew it would come far'' he said and I could hear that he was smiling.

We drove for like 15 more minutes until he stopped. He led me to somewhere where I heard that he opened a door. When we got inside there was just silence. I could hear my own breath and it was kind of freaking me out. 

''Take the blindfold off'' he said and I took it off.


In front of me stood like 400 people inclusive my family and friends. I ran and hugged them and asked them what was going on.

''You are going to have a concert now so go warm up your voice'' Daniel said and starting leading me behind the scenes.

''But I only one song?'' I said confused.

''Then sing some covers! You are the star so you decide what to sing'' he said encouraging.

I warmed my voice and got on stage. There was so many people in front of me right now just waiting for me to start sing, and honestly it felt amazing...

**A/N I'm sorry if there are lot of mistakes in the grammar, but when I'm done with the story I'll correct them.

Also if you notice some plot holes or have any advice on writing, then please write to me! That would help me so much. If you have any ideas for the story, you are welcome to write them to me:) Thanks for reading the story**

Published August 17th 2018

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