Part 16

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**Selena's POV**

---time skip---

My new song was ready to be released and I was so excited. The other one had about 8 millions views, and that was a lot. As the time flew by I got busier and busier and Daniel as well. We didn't see each other as often and he had to go on tour. It was only in America so he wasn't too far away, but I felt us slowly drift apart and I was starting to feel lonely and forgotten. When we facetimed it was only for about 20 minutes and then he had to go. Christina, Gabbie and Tate knew how I felt, because they were going through the same thing as me. But they talked more to their boyfriends that I did and they had noticed that too, so they tried to lead my mind of him and have fun with them instead.

One day when I was just relaxing at home Christina, Tate and Gabbie came running in. They were so excited and spoke all at the same time so I didn't understand a word of it. Then Gabbie got the word and explained to me that they had bought tickets for the boys's show in New York so we had to leave tomorrow early in the morning. I couldn't believe my own ears and just screamed and jumped around the house. I hugged them as tight as I could and I could hear Christina gasp for air.

''You need to pack your bags as soon as possible and get some sleep ''Tate said.

''I'll do that right now!''

''We'll go pack too so see you at the airport at 6!'' Christina yelled while walking out the door.

''Yeah see ya! And thank you so so so so much!''

They left and I found the cutest clothes I could and packed them in my suitcase. I couldn't wait for the night to be over and I couldn't, but I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up by the annoying sound of my alarm and got up right away. I had already packed my baggages so I only needed to do the usual. I drove to the airport and met Gabbie at the entrance. We were the first ones but 5 minutes later Tate came. Christina came 10 minutes after and we checked in. Me and Tate sat together in the flight, and Christina and Gabbie sat behind us. I fell asleep pretty quickly so the flight wasn't too long for me, because I slept until we landed. We took a cab to our hotel and unpacked our things. Unpacking was a true timekiller because it was only 3 hours till the concert started. I felt my heart starting to beat faster as we drove to the arena. There were already a lot of people already. We hadn't told the boys that we would be there yet, because we wanted it to be a surprise. We were just going to be in the front row and sing to all their lyrics with our hearts.

The stage was dark until a giant white square popped up. You could see a big black head which was Jonah's and right after another one lit up. That was Corbyn! That repeated until all the boys's heads were on and all went black for a second. Then the lights came on again and the boys were all standing there. There was a lot of screaming, and I surely screamed too. Daniel was on the right side and 'Air Of The Night' came on.

When the show was over we went backstage. Christina had talked to Eben, who now let us in. He was the only one who knew about us being here so he was the only one who could help. The boys had taken all the pictures with fans and were now heading to the green room again. They all, except Daniel, walked in and they were so happy to see us. We all hugged and I was so happy, but I wanted to see Daniel. I hadn't seen him in 2 months so I really couldn't wait. I went out to look for him. I heard his voice and followed it. He was near the stage I could hear but he wasn't alone. I heard a female voice too and I stopped to listen, but I couldn't hear the words. I could only hear that Daniel was either pissed or excited. All of sudden he stopped talking and I decided to go over to them. When I did that my eyes quickly filled with tears. There he stood and kissed some girl I didn't know.

''Are f***ing kidding me?'' I screamed at him.

He quickly pushed her off and looked shocked at me.

''Selena it's not what you think!''

''So you weren't just kissing this girl?''


I ran away with tears rolling down my cheeks into the green room.

''Can we go home now, please?''

''What happened?'' Gabbie asked with a worried look.

''I don't want to talk about it! Can we just go?!'' I snapped at her.

''Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you''

''It's okay, let's just go home'' she sighed pulling me into a hug.

''Selena it's not what you think! Please just listen to me!'' Daniel said.

''Go away Daniel! I never want to see you anymore!''

''Please Selena!''


''Let's go'' Tate said and pulled me out.

We took a cab home and I finally told them what happened. They tried to comfort me but that didn't succeed. It was hard to sleep that night but eventually I got to tired and I drifted off...

**A/N I hope you like this chapter! The other chapters haven't really had any drama and the story really needed some, but I couldn't really come up with anything so this is the best I've got so far... Sorry the chapter is a little short, but I have a lot of homework at the moment, but thank you for reading this story anyway!**

Published August 23 2018

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