Part 12

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**Selena's POV**

-3 days later-

I hadn't heard from the studio about my song, so when they called I got nervous. I answered and Jon spoke rather quickly.

''Selena have you been on Spotify?'' he asked eagerly.

''What? No, I haven't'' I said obviously confused.

''Check the playlist 'Singled Out' right now!'' he said and I checked right away.

''But that's where all the new good music is on, so why am I check-'' I said before my jaw dropped to the floor.

'Do you see it now?'' he asked.

''HOLY MOLY THAT'S MY SONG! WHAT? HOW? WHEN?'' I screamed excitedly.

''You've got the hottest new song Selena''

My eyes started to fill up with tears and I was just so happy. That was my song! My song!

''Thank you for telling me Jon!'' I said and I had never meant anything more in my life. 

''No problem, bye''


I ran over to the boys and they were all eating breakfast. They all looked confused at me when I came.

''Guys my song is on the 'Singled Out' playlist on Spotify!'' I said excitedly.

''What? Really?'' Corbyn asked happy.

''That's so cool! but I knew it would come far anyway so...'' Zach said with a smirk.

I laughed and hugged Daniel. I smelled his to-die-for cologne and I just wanted to stand there with him forever.

''I'm proud of you'' he said and smiled down at me.

My eyes locked with his for a few seconds before kissing him. He just made me so happy and I couldn't keep my eyes away from him. 

''We're still here'' Corbyn said with a cough.

We pulled apart and I just could feel my cheeks flush red.

''Aww, she's blushing!'' Jack said.

''Stop you're making it worse!'' I yelled and hit his arm.

''Well, that's just a shame but cool down, will ya'?'' Zach said right before spraying me with a water gun.

''ZACHARY DEAN HERRON!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!'' I screamed at him and grabbed another water gun and ran after him.

I caught him right at the pool and threw him in. When he came up to the surface he gasped like a snob and looked at me shocked.

''You are freakishly strong!'' he said.

That's the last thing I heard before being pushed into the pool. When I came up again I saw Jonah laugh at me.

''YOU!'' I yelled at him.

''ME!'' he yelled back before giving me a hand.

I took it and smiled devilish at him.

''That's the dumbest mistake you will do today!'' I said before dragging him into the pool.

''I want to join this, it looks like fun!'' Daniel said before jumping into the pool.

''WAIT FOR ME!!'' Jack yelled and jumped.

''AND ME!'' Corbyn screamed and joined us.

We splashed water at each other but all of sudden I felt someone grab my legs and pull me down. When I got up again Daniel stood there laughing. I jumped on him and he fell backwards with me on top. We exchanged a kiss and it was like in a movie; magical! It was like that everytime I kissed him but I couldn't get over it...

**A/N Sorry for taking so long, but I've been on vacation and I didn't have WiFi so yeah... And sorry it's so short, but I'm sick and don't have the energy to write more. -And I wanted to publish something sooo... Hope you enjoy!**

Published August 12th 2018

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