Part 17

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**Daniel's POV**

After the concert and the pictures, Aspen came up to me.

''What are you doing here? And how did you get backstage?''

''I have my ways and don't play so hard to get!'' she said with really bitchy tone.

''What do you want?'' I asked annoyed.

''I know that you like me!''

''What kind of bullshit is that?'' I asked almost laughing.

''Oh don't deny it, it's shining out of you''

''Oh please! Can you please go now? I don't want to waist any more time'' I said getting pretty mad.

All of sudden she grabbed my face and kissed me. It kind of froze me because of the shock, and that's when I heard her voice.

''Are you f***ing kidding me?!'' she screamed a me.

''Selena it's not what you think!''

''So you weren't just kissing this girl?''

''No-'' was all I could say before she stormed off.

''What the f*** Aspen? Why do you always ruin everything?!'' I yelled before I ran after Selena.

I came into the green room and saw her crying while Gabbie was trying to comfort her. I tried to talk to her but she and the girls left.

''What in the world did you do to cause that?!'' Zach asked me with anger.

''Aspen came up to me and when I asked her what she wanted she kissed me right in front of Selena and-'' I said before the tears started streaming down my face.

''Aspen was here?'' Jack and Corbyn asked at the same time.

I just nodded because I couldn't get words out that I wanted to say. I just stood there sobbing while the boys hugged me and tried to comfort me. Thank god this was the last show, because if we had to continue I wouldn't be able to do it. I needed her but I don't think she would ever forgive me for this. Even though it's not my fault! That night I cried myself to sleep...

**Christina's POV**

When Selena told us what happened, I knew immediately that Daniel was innocent. He would never cheat on her and especially not with that snake! I had to get Selena to talk to him again and I needed all the help I could. I told the girls about it and they wanted to help. I called Corbyn so we could come up with a plan. Jonah, Jack and Zach were there too so we would probably come up with something. We talked for 2 hours before having it all under control. We knew that neither Daniel or Selena would get out of their room tomorrow, so we planned for the day after that.

The next day went exactly as I had expected it to go. Selena would only come out of the room for food. But at 10pm she came out because she needed to socialize a little bit. Her eyes were puffy and red and her hair was a big mess. I took out some ice cream and put 'Friends' on. It always managed to get her to laugh no matter how sad she was, and it didn't fail this time either...

The next morning we struggled with getting Selena to wake up, she was in a really bad mood so I texted Corbyn to inform him about the situation. He texted that they had the exact same problem. We eventually got her up and she agreed to go explore the city. We had the guys to meet us at Central Park. When we got there I immediately saw them. I decided to distract Selena so she wouldn't see Daniel and leave and luckily it worked. We made around them so none of them could leave before they had made up...

**Selena's POV**

Daniel stood right in front of me and I could feel my eyes fill up with tears. I couldn't even look him in the eyes, and so I just stood there awkwardly.

''Selena please just hear me out'' Daniel said and I could hear the sadness in his voice, so I decided to listen.

''What Daniel?'' I sighed and looked at him. I could see the tears in his eyes and he actually looked like a mess.

''I did not kiss that girl she kissed me! I'm so sorry I hurt you Selena but I would never hurt you on purpose. I love you so much, so please forgive me'' he said while a tear ran down his cheek.

''Why should I believe you? You didn't push her off you when she kissed you?! You didn't just hurt me Daniel, you f***ing smashed my heart to a million pieces! You are the only boy I've ever loved and trusted with my whole heart!''

''Selena I love you so much, and I have since I met you and I always will! I would never cheat on you in any way. And especially not with a bitch like Aspen... You are the funniest, nicest, most beautiful girl I have ever met and no one else comes close to you!'' he said and the tears were now streaming down his face.

''I don't want to interrupt or anything, but Daniel is telling you the truth Selena. He hates Aspen and loves you so much. He would never do anything to you like that. Just the way he looks at you says it all, and he talks about you all the time'' Jonah said with a worried look.

''You should see how his eyes brighten when he talks about you... And he can't stop smiling when you are happy'' Zach added.

''You two are meant to be! Everyone can see that and I hope you'll see that too'' Tate said.

''Do you forgive him?'' Corbyn asked hopefully.

They all looked with hope in their eyes at me. I looked at Daniel and thought about everything we had together. I mean they were his best friends so of course they would help and defend him. But I had known him for so long, and I know people change through time, but would he really do anything like that? He could have changed to a bad person through those 2 years we didn't have contact.


**A/N Hey guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger there;) Hope you like the chapter and will continue reading this story! I will update as often as I can, but as I've said before I am pretty busy...**

Published August 25th 2018

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