Part 24

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**Daniel's POV**

Christmas morning was finally here. I had wrapped Selena's gift in as good as could, but you could still see that it was not one of my skills! Now I just waited for the others to wake up. Jonah and Tate were the first ones after me. Selena, Gabbie and Corby came 10 min after them and then we only waited for Zach, Jack and Christina. When we were all gathered in the living room we began opening the presents. I got great gifts from the others, and now the only thing left was the gift from Selena. It was a small red box with a white bow. I wanted Selena to open up first so I waited patiently with the box in my hands. It was hard not to open, but I managed to wait. Selena's reaction was exactly what I had hoped for. She gasped and looked at the necklace with widened eyes before putting it on.

''It's so beautiful Daniel! But what does it mean?''


''That's so motivating! And cool at the same time!''

''I'm happy you like the gift, I had a little bit of trouble finding out what to buy you''

''I don't like it, I love it!''

I looked at her and smiled before asking: ''I am dying right now, can I open mine?'' 

''Yeah yeah of course!'' she said trying to sound excited, but she sounded more like she was nervous or even scared... I looked at her eyes and I was right! She was definitely scared of something, but what? That I wouldn't like the gift? I slowly opened the box and saw a... No it can't be! She was pregnant?! I was going to be a father? I looked up and met her terrified eyes. That changed when she saw the big smile on my lips. 

''Are you serious?! Cause if you aren't I'll get seriously mad!''

''I'm serious Daniel! I'm pregnant''

''This is the best day of my life!'' I screamed before hugging her. The others joined in and we just stood there for a while. I couldn't believe this, my biggest dream was coming true! We were going to start a family! I know we were young, but I wouldn't want it any other way...

**Selena's POV**

I was so scared of Daniel's reaction when he opened the gift. My palms were sweaty and it felt like forever. When I saw the big smile he had when he looked at me I was so relieved!

''Are you serious?! Cause if you aren't I'll get seriously mad!'' he said still smiling.

''I'm serious Daniel! I'm pregnant''

''This is the best day of my life!'' he screamed before hugging me. The others joined in and we just there for a while. If someone had told me 7 years ago that I would be carrying Daniel James Seavey's child someday I would think they were crazy, but here I am! 

The rest of the holiday was good, the fans went crazy when we went live and told them about the pregnancy. Some were negative, but so what?! I continued to write music after the holiday and published 3 other songs, and my fans loved it and I even got more fans supporting me. Life couldn't be much better...

----Time skip----

It was our one year anniversary and Daniel had made plans. My stomach was really big now and I couldn't wait. I found a dress that fit me but was still comfortable, and I could actually do activities in it. At 6 pm we left my house, which Daniel now also lived in so it was actually ours, and got to the restaurant. It was a fancy restaurant and the good smell of food hit my nose as I stepped in. We got our seats and ordered our food. It didn't take that long of a time and gosh it looked good. My mouth was watering just by smelling it. I took a bite of it and the juice from the steak just washed my mouth. This was one of the best meals I had ever had in my life!

We had a wonderful time at the restaurant, and after we went to the beach to watch the sunset. Right when the sun was about to reach the water surface, Daniel kneeled down beside me and took something out of his pocket.

''Selena'' he started and I was freaking out right now, he was freaking proposing! How did I deserve this man?! 

''Since the moment I met you I have loved you. We've had our ups and downs, but here we are still together after all these years. I don't know how on earth I've deserved you and I actually don't, but will you make me the luckiest man on earth and marry me?'' he said with tears in his eyes and his adorable smile...

**Daniel's POV**

''Since the moment I met you I have loved you. We've had our ups and downs, but here we are still together after all these years. I don't know how on earth I've deserved you and I actually don't, but will you make me the luckiest man on earth and marry me?'' 

''Yes! Yes! A million times yes!''she squealed and cupped my face before kissing me passionately.  I kissed back of course and put the ring on her finger. I really couldn't describe the happiness I was feeling right now. That was until she screamed...

**Selena's POV**

I was so happy until I felt a massive pain in my stomach. Oh god, this was it! The baby was coming and we needed to get to the hospital ASAP!

''Daniel! The baby!'' I managed to say through my screams. 

''It's coming now?'' he asked furiously.


He helped me to the car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital This pain was so bad that if I could survive this, I could survive anything else. Finally we got to the hospital and we got a room and a doctor right away and now I just had to push...

**Daniel's POV**

I had called everyone on the to the way. I sat there holding Selena's hand as she had to push. How could she be so strong? It felt like she was breaking my hand. But it would be totally worth it in a while.

''It's almost out'' the doctor said, ''Only one more push!''

She pushed with all the last power she had right now and there it was! Our child was finally here!

**A/N This is one of the last chapters, but I will be starting on a new story so check it out when it comes! Hope you like the chapter anyway, I'll correct grammar after the story is over. Sorry it took me so long, I've just had a little writer's block and I've been pretty busy sooo... But yeah I'll upload as soon as I can:)**

Published October 7 2018

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