Part 11

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**Daniel's POV**

I woke up to a bright white light and started to panic cause I didn't know where I was. Then I felt a lot of pain in my body and I started to remember something from last night.

''He's awake!'' I heard Zach yelling.

''Get a doctor'' Corbyn shouted.

Then a door opened and I saw a friendly face. A man's face and it had to be the doctor.

''How are you feeling?'' he asked.

''Dizzy and confused... What happened? Where's Selena?!''

''You were in a car accident and Selena is in a coma right now, and sadly we don't know if she will wake up'' he said with a sad look on his face.

''I need to see her!'' I said and tried to stand up but immediately felt pain in my right leg.

''You have to use crutches if you want to walk, because you broke your leg'' the doctor said and handed me a pair of crutches.

''Thank you, but what room is she in?''

''The one right next to you, you just turn left when you go out the door''

''Thank you doctor!'' I said and hurried to her room.

When I got in I saw Christina, Tate and Jack sitting there. They looked at me in surprise and gave a tired smile.

''You woke up!'' Tate said.

''Yes! But I wish Selena was the one that would wake up. She doesn't deserve any of this and it's all my fault!'' I said now crying.

''It's not your fault Daniel! You didn't see the drunk driver and you couldn't prevent it if you wanted to'' Jack said giving me hug.

''Don't blame yourself Daniel, it will only make it worse'' Christina said.

''Can I have moment with her for myself?'' I asked.

''Of course!'' they all said and left the room.

''I know you will never hear this but just know that I love you so much! Ever since I laid my eyes on you I've loved you and I always will love you! If there's anyone strong enough to wake up it would be you, so please wake up! I need you in my life and I don't know how I survived those two years without you!'' I said sobbing.

I just sat there and cried for an hour until the others came in. They silently sat down in the chairs and looked with tears in their eyes at her. We sat there until the doctor came and said that visiting hours were over.

Two weeks went by and my day just got worse and worse. The only thing getting me out of bed was visiting her. I talked to her every day but my hope was slipping, she was just going to be in a coma forever and I had to move on. I decided that my last visiting day would be this day. Of course I was going to visit her sometimes, but not daily and it would only be once a week or so. I told her even though she couldn't hear me. I was about to leave when I felt her squeeze my hand. Was I dreaming or did she just wake up. I looked at her face and saw her eyes and her adorable smile.

''SELENA?!'' I yelled.

''You're awake! OMG YOU'RE AWAKE! DOCTOR SHE IS AWAKE!'' I yelled as loud as I could.

The doctor came running in and began to smile.

''How are you feeling?'' he asked.

''Fine, just a little tired'' she said with a weak voice.

''How long have I been in a coma?''

''Two weeks now'' the doctor said.

''Wait how do know you were in a coma?''

''I've heard everything, but I just couldn't move or do anything'' she said with smile.

''So every word I've said you've heard?'' I asked.

''Yup! Those were the ones that kept me fighting Daniel'' she said smiling more.

''If you hadn't put that arm in front of her she would've died'' the doctor said.

''You saved my life Daniel!'' she whispered with tears in her eyes.

I closed the space between us and it felt amazing! I had not kissed for two weeks now and it had been killing me.

''When can she leave?'' I asked.

''When she has signed the paper and I'll go get them now'' he said and then he went to get them.

He got back soon, Selena signed them and we left. When we got home everyone was there and when they saw Selena they jumped of happiness. They all got over and hugged her and I think Selena was near choking. We decided to celebrate with a fun night. We played board games and it was exactly how it should be! **A/N call me old fashioned but board games are one of the best things in the world!**

Selena and I both slept at her house, because we had missed each other so much! We cuddled but she fell asleep pretty fast. I examined at her face. It was so peaceful and beautiful, and I just wanted to stay like this forever. I didn't remember anything more than that, cause I fell asleep...

Published August 2nd 2018

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