Part 21

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**Daniel's POV**

Jonah and I had switched seats and I was now driving the car. I couldn't get there fast enough, but I still didn't want to get pulled over. Time was killing me right now and I felt like everything was in slowmotion. When I finally reached the parking spot and parked the car I got out as fast as I could. There she was laying on the ground! I had never been so happy to see someone in my life and I ran as fast as I could. When I got to her I pulled her in for a hug.

''SELENA! Are you okay?!''

''What's going on? Who are you? Who's Selena?'' she asked weakly.

''What? It's me Daniel and you're Selena!'' I looked confused at her, ''TATE CALL AN AMBULANCE!'' I yelled. Tate quickly took her phone and called, while Jonah and Zach hurried over to us. ''What's wrong?'' Zach asked terrified. ''She doesn't remember me or her own name!'' I said with a voice crack. ''Maybe that's from the big bulge on her forehead'' Jonah said with worry in his voice. ''How did I not notice that?'' was the last thing I could say before she passed out and the ambulance came.


Being in the hospital felt like forever. When we finally got to see her I didn't hesitate at all. I wasn't mad at her anymore cause Jonah had told me the whole story, I just wanted her to be safe. The doctor told us she had gotten memory loss, and it could take some time for her to remember everything, but we should try keeping her near familiar things and try to get her to remember them. We all sat down around her bed and just sat there looking at her until she woke up.

''Where am I? And who are you?'' she asked with a clueless look on her face. She really didn't have an idea who we were.

''So you still don't remember us?'' I asked with a sigh.

''Sorry I really don't'' she said with a sad tone.

''Well, I'm Daniel, your boyfriend and these are your best friends, Zach, Jonah, Tate, Corbyn, Christina, Gabbie and Jack'' I said as I pointed out each of them.

''I have a lot of good friends I see... And you're my boyfriend?'' she asked as I nodded.

''Well, then I can see that I have a very good taste'' she said with that cute smile that I had missed so much. Even though she couldn't remember us, her personality hadn't changed. ''But I won't kiss you again until I can remember okay?'' she said and I was surprisingly completely okay with that. Just as I nodded the doctor came in and said that we could take her home. I led her out to Jonah's car and she sat between me and Zach. We quickly got home and showed her to her own house. We decided that I was the only one that went inside with her since everything had to be pretty overwhelming. It was pretty weird to give her a tour in her own house but she couldn't do for it.

''What do you wanna to do?'' I asked and smiled.

''I don't know, can you maybe tell me more about my life? Maybe I will remember something''

''Of course! Well, your name is Selena Juliana Martinez, you're originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil but moved to USA when you were 9. We met the first time when we were 12 and that's when I fell in love with you. We lost contact with each other after high school, cause I moved away to be in a band. 4 months ago you moved here to Los Angeles and we met again. 2 months ago I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes''

''I wish I could remember that... But how did I get memory loss anyway?'' she asked looking sadly at me.

I sighed before telling. I felt so guilty and uncomfortable and really didn't want to tell her but I couldn't say no to her; ''Well, you were drunk at a party and did something that got me really angry and I went home. You went outside to cry and Jonah came out to you and tried to comfort you. He went inside again to get the others and told you to stay where you were, but when he came back you were gone. They tried to find you around in the neighborhood, but it didn't succeed. The next morning I heard the story and felt so guilty for not listening to your side of the story. We all went looking for you and searched all day until a bell rang in my head. I knew where you were and we got there as fast as we could, and you were there''

''I am so sorry for being so much trouble!''she said sobbing.

''What? No, it's not your fault Selena'' I said hugging her. Seeing her this sad made me my heart drop. It couldn't bare the thought of her being sad and feeling bad about her presence. Just having her here with me was a gift in itself. I wanted her so badly to remember everything, but I didn't know how. I had tried to show her pictures and tell her about good memories, but nothing had worked so far. Now I just hoped that the memories would come as the time went by...

**A/N I'm so sorry it took me so long, I've just worked a lot lately and I got caught up in that! But I will update more often in the future and try to get at least one chapter out every week and hopefully 2-3, but I can't promise anything as I'm pretty busy and I am only doing this for fun! I don't want to stress out about not uploading on time. Hope you understand and respect it, and thank you for reading this chapter!**

Published September 17 2018

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