Part 6

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**Selena's POV**

While changing at my house, I got to know Christina and Tate better. They were really nice and down to earth, so it was easy talking to them. We all had bikinis because we didn't wanna get weird tan lines. When I walked out in mine, their jaws dropped.

''What? Is something on me?'' I said searching for something weird on me.

''No, but you look absolutely gorgeous!'' Tate said.

''You have like every woman's dream body!'' Christina said.

''What? No...''

''Yes, you have! You have an hourglass figure and curves on all the right places'' Tate said and it didn't sound pretty genuine.

''Well, I'll take that as a compliment'' I said shyly.

''How else would you take it?'' Christina asked laughing.

We laughed and started walking over to the boys again. They were already in the pool, so we just walked right to the pool and jumped in.

''Hey! Let's do those chicken fights!'' Jonah said.

''Yeah!'' We all yelled.

Jonah picked Tate up, Corbyn picked Christina up and all of sudden I felt two strong arms pick me up. Next thing I knew I was sitting on someone's shoulders. I looked down and saw Daniel's dark hair and blue eyes.

''You ready to win, Selena?'' he asked with a smirk.

''Let's do this!''

But then I heard Zach and Jack fighting behind me. They were fighting over who was going to be on the top. Zach won because he was lighter. Then the real fight began. Me and Christina were fighting first and I won. Tate and Zach were next and Zach won. Tate and I were up against each other after that. She was good, but I won at the end. The next fight was between Christina and Zach, and Zach won with no problems. That meant it was either me or Zach that was going to win. But Christina and Tate fought over the 3rd place, and Tate won. Then it was Zach and I; we fought harder because let's face it, we were bad losers. We fought for like 5 minutes, but then I finally got a good push on him and he fell down into the water.

''I told you I should have been on the top!'' Jack yelled at Zach.

''Then we can do that now!'' Zach said, ''Are you up for switching places with your partners?''

''That would be fun!'' I said.

We all got ready except Tate who was struggling.

''What have you been eating Jonah?!'' she yelled while he was laughing.

She eventually got him up and the fights began.

**(The marked ones are the winners)**

Jate - Jachary              Corbina - Delena

Jate - Corbina.             Jachary - Delena

Corbina - Jachary      Jate - Delena

''How could you lose? You are a disgrace to our friendship!'' I said sarcastically to Daniel when we were on our way in again.

He smiled a devilish smile and picked me up bridal style and walked to the pool.

''Oh no you won't! Daniel stop! DANI-'' was all I could say before he let go of me.

When I got he gave his hand to help me up. I took it and dragged him into the water.

''Selena Juliana Cardoso!'' he yelled at me.

I laughed while getting out of the pool and hurried inside. he followed me and caught up to me when we got inside.

''So you actually have a bit of sass in you?'' he asked with a smirk.

''What? No, I would never do anything like that on purpose!'' I said sarcastically while trying to make the most innocent look I could. I failed.

Christina Tate and I went over to my house to shower, because it was faster.

''Spill the tea Selena, do you like Daniel?'' Tate asked with a smirk.

''I totally ship Saniel! Or Delena!'' Christina said excitedly.

''Will you promise not to tell him?'' I asked blushing crazy.

''OMG! So it's true?'' Tate said looking like a little kid on Christmas.

''I've had a crush on him since I first met him, so that's 7 years now''

''Delena is going happen! Have you seen how he looks at you?'' Christina said eager.

''I have never seen him this happy before. His eyes light up every time he looks at you'' Tate said.

''I don't know, he just sees me as friend...'' I said in disbelief.

''Are you blind?!'' Christina asked looking at me like something was wrong with me.

Tate laughed and said: ''Love really does make people blind''

I shrugged and smiled shyly. We went over the boys's house and ordered a pizza. There was arguing over which pizzas we should order, but we agreed on a Hawaii pizza and 2 pepperoni pizzas. When the pizza arrived they fought for food, because they were all so hungry. I was hungry too, but I didn't dare to fight for a piece because well, that's just how I am. But Daniel knew me, so he got me a pepperoni slice; my favourite. I could see Tate and Christina smirking at me, but I just rolled my eyes at them. It was getting late, so Tate and Christina wanted to leave. Or else they would have to drive in the middle of the night.

''You can sleep at my house'' I offered them.

''Really? That would be great! Then we can have a girls day tomorrow!'' Christina said eager.

''What about us?'' Zach asked with puppy eyes.

''You're four boys in one house! I think you'll figure something out'' Tate said rolling eyes at him.

''Well, we're going to my house now'' I said.

We hugged them goodnight and went over to my place. I showed them their room, because I had an extra room. Before they went to bed I gave them a little tour of the house, so they wouldn't get lost. Then they went to sleep, and I went to my room. I lied there thinking about what they had said about Daniel. Did he like me more than a friend? Or was that just what they and I wanted? I didn't want to think about it for too long, so I started to think about the next day. I really hoped it would be fun, cause I really I liked Tate and Christina. As friends of course. My eyelids got heavy and I drifted away...

**A/N - Sorry this took so  long time, I've just been busy!**

Published July 26th 2018

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