Part 18

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''I forgive you''

I looked at him for some kind of respond but it was like he didn't get it. He was just looking at me and the others as well.

''Daniel I forgive you!'' I said with a little giggle.

''Wait what? Seriously?'' his adorable smile started to show.


He hugged me so tight and I was really struggling to breath.

''Daniel... I can't... Breath...''

''Oh sorry!'' he said before pressing his lips against mine. Oh gosh, I had missed this magic feeling, his soft lips against mine, the butterflies in my stomach and his breathtaking cologne.

''Okay you two, that's enough! We're still here...'' Zach said.

We pulled apart and just smiled at each other before hugging again. I put my head in his chest and we just stood there. The other joined in the hug and I felt the happiness fill me again. The last 2 days had been the worst in my life and this had to be the best. At least close to the best... We decided to celebrate and have the funniest day while we were here. We explored the city and saw all the attractions. When the time was around 7 we went to Christina's parents, as they had invited us to dinner. They were really nice and polite and I had a very good time at their place. The food tasted amazing so Christina's mom had bo a really good cook. Or her father...

When we returned to the hotel it was pretty late. We had played board games with different teams, and I had been on the winning team 3 out of 5 times. I loved winning and it felt pretty good to win that often. We went to bed right away cause we still had to catch the flight the next morning.

The next morning we packed all our luggage, ate, brushed our teeth and left the hotel. When we got to the airport we checked in and just decided to play cards till we left. We played some games before the boys came and greeted us.

''Will you also have to take the flight at 12:45?'' Jonah asked eager.

''Yes, maybe we'll end up sitting next to each other, who knows?''

They joined in the card games and the time flew by. We got into the plane and flew home. The boys didn't sit near us so that kinda sucked. I fell asleep on the plane with my head on Tate's shoulder so the flight didn't seem to last very long for me. I got home with my suitcases and unpacked them right away so I didn't have to do them later. I decided to just watch a movie and relax since I didn't have anything else to do. I looked for about 20 min before finding anything I liked but I didn't even watch 10 minutes, because Daniel came over. He pulled me in for a hug and held me tight. It was really weird how perfectly my body fit into his.

''Selena?'' he said and kissed my forehead.


''Will you go on a date with me? Like right now?''

''Yes, I would love to!''

''Great, because everything is ready'' he said and smiled down to me.

He lifted me up by the legs and I started screaming, because I was not ready for that. All I could see was his back and If I looked up, or rather down, I could see his cute butt. He sat me down right outside the car and opened the door for me.

''Uhh... A real gentleman'' I said teasingly.

''Everything for m'lady!'' he said with a to-die-for smirk.

I blushed and looked down. He got into the car and started driving. He drove to spot with a great view. There he took a picnic basket and a blanket and placed it into the grass. Then he came over to me, offered his hand (which I gladly grabbed) and led me over to the blanket. He kind of surprised me when he took the first out of the basket. He took my favourite soda and pizza. That boy knew me too well. Pizza was the best way to my heart and I didn't want things too fancy. We ate and talked for several hours. It never got boring or awkward talking to him and I loved that! When we got home we snuggled up in bed and cuddled. One thing led to another and well... Yeah...

When I woke up I saw him sitting there crying besides me. The weird thing was that he was also smiling. I quickly sat up and looked worried at him.

''Daniel what's wrong?''

''It just hit me that I could have lost you forever. And then I came to think of how blessed I am with all the things I have. I mean I have the best friends I could possibly get, I wake up every morning without starving or feeling cold and sick. I don't know it just touched me'' he said with a little laugh at the end.

''Oh, come here. It's good that you know how lucky you are! And just so you know it; you will not lose me if you just don't hurt me. And I know you won't!'' I said while pulling him into me. I started kissing his nose and moved down to his mouth and his mood lightened up quickly. Someday I would marry this man! Not yet, but someday that's for sure! He just made everyday brighter and made me laugh when my mood was so bad and I was so grumpy. I didn't know how but he always managed to.

**A/N I'm sorry this took me so long, but I've been really busy lately. Like I've almost had no free time at all. And when I had I couldn't think of anything to write. But I will still try to upload as often as I can, and hopefully you'll still like it and read it:) BTW I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE ALBUM!!!**

Published 30th August 2018

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