Part 20

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**Selena's POV**

There was already a lot of people when we came in and I could smell all the alcohol right away. Logan greeted us when he saw us and talked to us for a while. When he had left again we all decided to dance. I don't know how long we danced, but after a while Daniel and I decided to go out and just talk. We both had been drinking alcohol so I didn't remember what we talked about, but we ended up fighting. I stormed away from him and drank A LOT more than I should. My vision was blurry and I had a hard time standing. I was dancing until a guy that looked like Daniel came up to me. 

''Daniel?'' I asked and saw that he was smiling. He took me upstairs to a room and started kissing me. I kissed back and things got heated and he tried to get my shirt of. He stopped when someone stood in the door. I looked but couldn't see who it was, but I definitely heard it: ''FUCK YOU SELENA!'' That's when I realized that it was NOT Daniel beside me. I quickly got up and tried to run after him but that was kind of hard when my balance was really shitty at the moment.  Daniel got away and I sat on the street alone and miserable. I couldn't say I didn't deserve it, because I really did deserve it and a lot more. I don't know how long I sat outside sobbing but eventually Jonah came outside...

**Jonah's POV**

It was too hot inside so I decided to get fresh air outside. When I came out, Selena sat there with her hands up to her face. She looked at me with red puffy eyes, mascara under her eyes and she looked like the biggest mess I had ever seen. 

''What happened?!'' I asked worried and confused.

''I am s-such a bad person a-and I don't deserve him at all! I ch-cheated on him Jonah! I didn't m-mean to I thought it was him but then it wasn't him a-and he came in and saw me k-kissing another guy, that I don't even know who was and then Daniel left a-and I tried to reach him but I-I couldn't and now he's gone and he hates me and I hate me and and everyone will hate me now...'' She said with a lot of sobbing. 

''Selena calm down! Nobody hates you, you made one mistake and it wasn't on purpose and I'm sure Daniel will forgive you! Just give him time and I'll do what I can to help you. I'll get him to talk to you'' I said and pulled her in. I hugged her for a long time while she cried a little more. ''Wanna go home? I can go get the others'' 

''No, don't ruin their fun because of me! I don't want them to hate me too''

''They won't hate you Selena. I'll go get them so stay here'' I said and went inside. I quickly found the others and thank god I didn't drink tonight, because all the others except Tate had been drinking so we needed two drivers. I told them all about what had happened and we hurried outside again but it was too late. Selena wasn't there and nowhere in sight. We yelled her name and looked for her in the neighborhood but she wasn't there. We tried calling her but her phone was dead. We drove around searching without luck. At last we drove home hoping that she would be there or the next morning. That was probably the dumbest decision we had ever made! 

**Daniel's POV** 

The next morning I had a little hangover but nothing bad. I really didn't want to get up after what happened last night but I needed water. I got up to get it when I heard the boys and all the girls yelling about something. I went downstair to find them looking terrified and it didn't seem like they had gotten a lot of sleep. 

''What is going on here?'' I asked confused.

''She didn't come home last night and she's still not home!'' Gabbie said loudly with fright in her voice.

''Who didn't come home last night?''

''SELENA!!!'' They all yelled at me.

''Maybe she went home with that guy she cheated on me with'' I said because I was still mad at her for what she did.

''Shut the fuck up Daniel! You don't know what happened last night! You can't just assume everything!'' Jonah snapped angrily. 

''Then what happened?! Cause she clearly kissed that guy and was close to having sex with him!'' I snapped back.

''She thought that was you! Her vision was blurry and she couldn't see properly! Do you know how sad she was after that?! She looked like the biggest mess you'll ever find, and now she's missing and can be anywhere dead or alive, and all you care about is the mistake she did!'' Jonah yelled harshly. I had never seen him like this, so this had to be serious.

''She's seriously missing?'' 

''YES!'' Jack screamed.

''Have you called the police?''

''Yes, and now we're going out looking for her, you can come with us or you can stay here and be mad at her!'' Christina said.

''There's no way in hell that I'm gonna wait here!'' 

''Then let's go!'' Corbyn said.

We got into 2 cars and drove in different parts of the city. Never had I ever been so afraid as now. What if she was lying dead somewhere? I kept looking out the window to find her, but I didn't find her. Selena Juliana Martinez where on the earth are you? Where could you be? That's when my brain started functioning. 

''I think I know where she is!''

Published September 9 2018

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