Part 4

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**Selena's POV**

I woke up to the fresh smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs. I walked in to the kitchen and saw Daniel at the stove with three pans on it.

''Someone woke up early'' I said with a smile.

''God you scared me! I didn't know you were awake'' he said surprised.

''I literally just woke up, but it smelled so nice in here that I just had to get in here!''

''Well, the food is ready now so take a seat!'' he said with a genuine.

We sat down and started eating. We just sat there in silence until he asked me a question.

''Can you still play the piano as good as you did?'' he asked with a curious look on his face.

''No, not as good as I did'' I answered with my best pokerface. The problem was just that he knew me too well.

''And the truth is?'' he said with a smirk.

''I may have gotten better than I was...'' I said, my cheeks flushed red.

''And you still hate to admit that you have talents?''

''Yeah, but it's just I don't want others to compare themselves with me!'' I said.

''You really haven't changed much these past years'' he said with a giggle.

I just rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile too. There was probably never gonna be a person that would know me better than Daniel did. It was like he could read my mind. All of sudden you hear the door open and Jonah, Jack, Corbyn and Zach walked in and sat down at the table.

''Oh yeah I made extra food for you guys. I knew you would come sooner or later'' Daniel said.

''Thanks bro!'' Zach said happily.

''So I guess you didn't like the movie Selena?'' Corbyn asked laughing.

''No I didn't! I should have supported Jonah!'' I said almost yelling.

''Yeah you should have, I had to calm him down for an hour or so. He had a nightmare too'' Jack said.

We all laughed except Jack. Then they started to talk about their new song. They talked about some pianosolo they wanted, but they missed a pianist that could play it, because the solo was apparently really hard and none of them could play. But then Daniel looked like he got an idea and he looked at me with a devilish smirk.

''I know someone who could play it!'' Daniel said loudly.

''Really? Who?'' Jonah asked excitedly and all the looked with big eyes at Daniel.

''Selena would you please do it?'' Daniel pouted with puppy eyes. ''Just this one time!''

''Oh not those eyes! You know I can't say no to them!'' I said.

''Please do it for us!'' Zach said with another pair of puppy eyes.

''Ok fine! I'll do it. But only this one time'' I sighed.

''Yay! Then we have to go to our house and practice'' Daniel said with a happy look on his face.

We cleaned up after the breakfast and went straight to the Why Don't We house. They found the notes and I sat down at the piano looking at them. I studied for a little while before playing them. If there was one thing I loved it was playing the piano. I forgot everything around me and just played with my heart.

''Oh wow you are really, really good at piano!'' Jonah said when I was done playing.

''You are amazing! Now you just need to show the world your skills'' Daniel added.

''Not going to happen Seavey!'' I said.

''Why? You can sing, you can play a lot of instruments and you can write music!'' Daniel said trying to motivate me. ''You can't hide your talents forever''

''You can sing too?'' Zach and Corbyn said.

''How many talents do you have?!'' Jack asked.

''She has so many but she doesn't want to show them to anyone'' Daniel said sighing.

''But why?'' Jonah asked confused.

''I don't want people to compare themselves to me and feel bad about themselves because they aren't as good'' I said.

''I kind of understand that, but think about the positive things'' Jonah said.

''What positivities?'' I asked.

''People get happy when they hear good music and your music is truly amazing. Just think about how many people you would make happy!'' he said.

''And you love to sing and play music, so it would make you happy too!'' Corbyn added.

''So are you ready to show the world your skills?'' Daniel asked already knowing the answer.

''I am!'' I said sheepishly

The boys cheered and I couldn't help but laugh. I was so lucky to have them in my life and they always made the day brighter.

''I know exactly what song you're going to sing and play.'' Daniel said excitedly, ''And we'll start right now!''

''Ay, ay captain!'' I said laughing.

''So we're going to record you so we can show our record label it. Then they will make a contract with you and you'll get famous'' Zach said with a serious expression on his face.

''And how do you know your record label will make contract with me?'' I asked with a confused smile.

''They won't let you go when they hear you'' Jack said with a sassy smile.

''You haven't even heard me sing yet'' I said even more confused.

''I know but Daniel has heard you and he says you're amazing, so you must be'' he said with a giggle.

''People, people we need to get started!'' Daniel interrupted.

''So what song am I singing?'' I asked.

Published July 17th 2018

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