Part 15

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**Selena's POV**

I started playing 'Purpose' by Justin Bieber and the crowd started cheering. This was the best feeling ever and I just wanted to sing here forever. But it would eventually end, but the end was not near yet. I sang 8 more covers and then ended with my own song. That's when the crowd really started cheering. I could hear them everywhere and it was so amazing, and I knew that I would do this again. After the concerts fans got to take pictures with me, and meeting them was really cool. They were all so nice and happy and I just wanted to meet more and more of them. When they all had got their picture I went home to a quiet celebration with friends and family. They had made my favourite cake and set 19 candles on. I made a wish and blew them all at once. Hopefully this wish would come true...

**Daniel's POV**

Selena looked so happy and I just wanted to keep making her happy. She deserved the best and I would try my best to give her that.

''So what did you wish for?''

''If I tell you, it won't come true'' she said with a teasing smile.

''Alright, that's true!''

It was getting late so everyone started to go home. When everybody were gone I lifted her up and she put her legs around my torso. I walked with her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed with me on top. Things got heated and we didn't get a lot of sleep...

The next morning I woke up at 8 o'clock. I had to be at the studio at 9, so I got myself some breakfast, I showered, put on some clothes and brushed my teeth. Selena still wasn't awake so I wrote her a note. I kissed her forehead and left.

**Selena's POV**

When I woke up, Daniel wasn't beside me. I got up and saw a note on my phone.

'Good morning beautiful! I had to go to the studio so I won't be back for the next hours. I'll call you when I'm done. Love you! xx Daniel'

I went downstairs and got myself some breakfast. I thought about what I should do for the day and then I decided on continuing with the song I had started to write the other day. I sat there in silence and I actually liked what I had done so far, which was not very often. I was at the outro when Christina, Tate and another girl came crashing in. Or the girl that I didn't know came politely in but you know what I mean.

''Selena get ready for the beach! You're coming with us!'' Christina screamed.

''Oh, and this is Gabbie!'' Tate added.

''Hi! I'm Selena'' I said handing her my hand.

''Hi! I'm Gabbie as you already know'' she said taking my hand and shaking it.

We laughed and talked for a moment while Gabbie and Christina argued about how you introduce your friends.

''Selena you need to pack your things'' Tate said.

''We don't have all the day'' Christina added impatiently.

I ran upstairs found a bag and threw my swimsuit, my towel, sunscreen etc. in. I was ready after 10 minutes and we left. The drive lasted half an hour but the time flew by. We sang Disney songs all the way and let's just say it didn't sound like Disney songs when we sang them. When we got out of the car I felt the warmth instantly and I was really thankful for remembering sunscreen. We were all already in our swimsuits so we started looking for a good spot right away. When we found one I put sunscreen on right away so it could dry into the skin. I wanted to get in the water as fast as possible, but I had to wait 20 min. for the sunscreen to dry in. When the 20 mins. were finally over me and Gabbie ran into the water and started splashing each other. Tate followed us and pushed Gabbie so she fell. She gasped when she came up again, turned around and jumped on Tate so they both fell in. I stood there laughing when I felt someone push me. I lost balance and fell into the water. When I. got up they all stood there laughing at me and I dragged Christina down. Then we had a water fight for god knows how long. At least 20 minutes... We got up and were exhausted so we decided to get tanned in the sun. Just what I needed; a relaxing day with the girls.

I woke up by water splashing onto me and when I opened my eyes I saw Daniel's bright blue eyes, his dark hair and his muscular body. He was laughing so hard and started to run from me into the water but I caught him eventually and dragged him down. He gasped for air when he came up but when he saw me he started to smile. He pressed his lips against mine until we got interrupted.

''Get a room!'' Jonah said laughing.

I looked around and saw the boys and the girls around us. I felt my cheeks get warm and looked down smiling.

''Aw how cute!'' Zach said with a teasing tone.

''Shut up!''

I felt Daniel's pick me up bridal style and he started to swing me from side to side.

''No Daniel! I swear if you-'' was all I could say before he let go of me and I flew into the water. They were all laughing when I got up so I attacked them. I splashed all the water I could but it wasn't enough to stop Daniel to come after me. And then another water fight had begun.

At night we had lighted a bonfire and sat around it with marshmallows over it. It was really cosy where I sat. I felt the warmth from the fire and Daniel's warm body. We also sang some classic bonfire songs and it was so nice to just sit there and enjoy it.

I sat in the car with Gabbie, Jack and Daniel and we just talked about random things. The last thing I heard was something about Einstein, cause I fell asleep on Daniel's shoulder...

Published August 20th 2018

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