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**Selena's POV**

Daniel and I stood in front of our house taking pictures of our 6 year old daughter Alexandra. It was her first day of school and she was exactly as excited as Samuel was on his first day of school. Now our 8 year old son was waiting patiently in the car for his adorable little sister. It was weird how they almost never fought about anything, but I guess they just got along really well. As we drove to the school Samuel told Alexandra about all the good stuff that came with school. I was really thankful for that, cause I was worried about Alexandra. She had been so nervous, cause she didn't think that she would make any new friends, and her best and only friend had just moved to New York so that didn't help the case. As we dropped them off I hugged Alexandra tightly.

''Mom... I... Can't breathe!'' she sighed.

''I'm sorry honey. You're just growing up so fast, and I don't think I'm ready for that''

''I love you mom'' she said and flashed her adorable smile. 

I hugged Samuel and got in the car again. Daniel hugged them too and we drove to the studio.

''She's gonna be okay Selena'' Daniel said and rubbed my thigh. 

''I know I know, I'm just nervous... What if-''

''No 'what if's'! Overthinking is never the solution and you know that!''

''Yeah yeah...''

We walked into the studio and were greeted by the four well known boys.

''Long time no see'' Corbyn said with a big smile and hugged me. 

''I can't believe you're going to make music again after two years, and I never understood why you stopped in the first place'' I said and laughed as I hugged the rest of the boys.

''Oh you know we were all starting our own families and we wanted to spend time with our wives'' Jack said.

''Girlfriend'' Zach coughed.

''Oh yeah, when are you going to propose to her?'' Jonah asked.

''On our 3 year anniversary''

''Wait that's in like a week!'' Daniel gasped and so did I.

Zach laughed and we small-talked for awhile before started to write songs. I had promised to help them since it was a long time since they had last done it. We had a lot fun and it was just like old times. Gabbie, Christina, Tate and Kay, Zach's girlfriend, dropped by and it was so nice to have the whole gang gathered together again. 


I picked Samuel and Alexandra up at school and drove home. 

''So how was your first day of school Alex? Did you make any new friends?''

''Yeah'' she said and looked out the window. That was weird... Normally she would tell everything, but she was just... quiet. What if she didn't get any new friends or worse, what if she got bullied? No! I need to stop overthinking! She would tell me if something was wrong, right?

**Alexandra's POV**

I hated lying to my mom, but this time it was necessary! I didn't want her to worry about me, just because I didn't get any friends. And being hit four times was nothing...

**A/N So this is kind of the final end of 'past love, present love' but kind of a prologue to the sequel. I know the story has a shitty name, but yeah I couldn't come up with a better one at the time... But yeah I won't write the sequel yet, but I'll do it sometimes in the future, so hope you'll read it then:) Oh, and read my new story when it comes out!''

Published October 9 2018

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