Part 9

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**Selena's POV**

The next day I woke up at 8 am. I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and made myself ready for Disneyland. After that I went over to the boys's house and they were ready too. Then we began to drive, Jonah, Jack and I in one car and Zach, Daniel and Corbyn in the other. We picked Tate up and they picked Christina up. There was silence for a little while, because everyone was still tired.

''So Selena when are you going to make a move?'' Jack asked.

''What move?''

''With Daniel of course!'' he said.

''See it isn't just me and Christina that see you guys together'' Tate said way too enthusiastic in the morning.

''Your heart works fine, but apparently you need to check your eyes'' Jonah said laughing.

''Has he told you that he likes me?''

''No but it shines as bright as the sun'' Jack said giggling.

''Well maybe he doesn't like me like that''

''Oh come on! You're both so oblivious!'' Jonah said.

I just rolled my eyes and quietly watched out the window. Until Jack put on One Direction, then I just had to sing.

**Daniel's POV**

We sat in the car talking about all the things you could try at Disneyland. That was until Corbyn changed the subject.

''So are you going to confess your feelings to Selena?'' he asked.

''What do you mean?''

''Oh puh-lease! You couldn't be worse at hiding it'' Christina said.

''But she doesn't feel the same way and I really don't want to ruin our friendship because of that''

They rolled their eyes at me and put music on. It was all the old childhood theme songs, so we all sang with our hearts. We arrived at Disneyland at 10 am and the others came 5 mins. later. We  all bought tickets and went in. We went to a shop first, because the girls wanted to dress up. They all bought the classic ears and Minnie clothes. Then we went to try all the roller coasters. It was super fun and I enjoyed every second of it. And seeing Selena's joy in her eyes was the best part. The last thing we tried was Mickey's Fun Wheel, and Selena and I were in the same booth. It was really beautiful and calming.

''Gosh, it's cold'' she said shivering.

''Here! You can have my hoodie'' I said handing her my hoodie.

''Oh you don't have to'' she said politely as always.

''Well, you shouldn't get sick so take it! We both know who gets sick easier''

''Thank you!'' she said laughing.

She put the hoodie on and we continued talking.

''Daniel?'' she said with an insecure look on her face.


''Do you like anyone? I mean that you would want to date?''

''Yes, I actually do but she doesn't like me back''

''How do you know?'' She said looking kind of disappointed.

''Well, she has always looked at me the same way, and we've only ever been friends''

''But what if she's just afraid to take the step?'' she said, and you could see she knew what she was talking about.

''Do you think I should take the step?''

''Yes!'' she said.

So I planned it. I would confess my feelings for her. Right here on top of the wheel. I took a deep breath, and this was it. It could ruin our friendship or make it to something more. But first I wanted to know who she liked if she liked anyone, and I only hoped it would be me.

''Selena who do you like?''


''Do you see another Selena?'' I asked sarcastically.

She laughed, looked down and took a deep breath. Then she said: ''I've liked this guy for the longest time ever, but I've been afraid to tell him, cause I didn't want to lose him... Again''

She looked me right in the eyes and that's when I knew. I grabbed her and face and closed the space between us. I had been dreaming of this moment for so long now and it felt so surreal. Like I was still dreaming and I would wake up in the morning and nothing had happened. I pulled back and looked at her to make sure I was awake. She looked at me with those gorgeous eyes, the sparkle in them. She smiled a shy smile and bit her lower lip. Gosh that girl just knew how to turn me on! I kissed her again and it felt just as amazing as the first time.

''Selena will you be my girlfriend?'' I asked.

''Do you even need to ask that question? There was a reason I kissed you back'' she said with a smirk.

''I'll take that as a yes'' I said smirking before I pushed my lips against her again.

That continued until we got to the ground again and we heard the others cheer. We got out and walked hand in hand over to the others. We both blushed ridiculously much and smiled like crazy.

''So are you FINALLY a thing?'' Tate asked excitedly.

''Well, guys this is my new girlfriend'' I said happily.

''FINALLY!'' Jonah and Corbyn yelled in unison, making people look at us.

''Mission completed!'' Tate and Christina said giving each other a high five.

''You guys are weirdos'' Selena said giggling.

We got to the cars and drove home. Selena fell asleep on my shoulder and let me just say this straight! She was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. We reached home and I carried her to her house. I went in too because I wanted to see her as the first thing tomorrow. I laid in bed thinking about all the crazy things that had happened. This was the best day of my life so far...

Published July 31th 2108

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