Part 19

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**Selena's POV**

As the days went by, Daniel and I made sure to spend time together and with the others too. I had published another song, and my fans seemed to love it, and I couldn't thank the boys enough for helping me so much it. They really were the best friends you could have. They had also published a new song, so we were all pretty much just happy. I couldn't believe it was already 4 months since I moved here.

''Babe?'' Daniel said.


''Logan invited us to another party that takes place tomorrow at 8 pm. Are you free then?''


''So will you be my date?'' Daniel asked with the most ridiculous smile he could make.

''Umm, I already said yes to Jack... Sorry'' I said trying my best not to smile.

''Yeah, I'm sorry Dani but I needed a beautiful date and a wingwoman so I had to'' Jack said putting his arm around me.

''Oh... Well then I guess I'll go alone'' he said looking hurt, ''Unless I steal you back from Jack!''

He picked me up and ran away from Jack.

''Hey get back here with my date young man!'' Jack yelled and started running after us.

We ran around the house until Daniel ran into Jonah and we all fell to floor laughing. Jack laughed too and you could see tears stream down his cheeks. I looked at the others and they were crying of laughter as well. I felt the joyous tears too, but they quickly changed when I tried to pull myself up with my hand. I winced and Daniel definitely saw it.

''What's wrong Selena?'' he asked with a worried expression.

''I think I broke my hand or something''

''Let's go to the hospital right away!'' Daniel said and took my other hand.

''I'm coming with you!'' Jack said.

''Me too!'' Jonah said.

The car ride was pretty much silent all the way, but when we were in the waiting room we talked so it didn't feel so long to wait. The doctor said that my hand was broken and I had to have my arm in plaster for 4 weeks. Great! But luckily it wasn't worse... We drove home and when we entered the house Corbyn and Zach looked confused at us. Jack explained them what happened while Daniel tried to comfort me. Zach looked like he wanted to ask me a question so I asked him what it was: ''Can I write on your plaster?'' he looked down with red cheeks.

''Sure!'' I said while laughing. His eyes lit up and he grabbed a marker and started writing his name on.

''Oh can I too?'' Jack asked with a big smile.

''You all can if you want to''

They waited in a circle until they all had written their names on. We decided to call Christina, Gabbie and Tate, order a pizza and have a movie night. The girls were all here 20 minutes after and the pizza came 5 minutes after. Jonah paid even though Corbyn insisted on splitting the bill. They decided on watching 'The Notebook' while me and Zach were preparing the snacks. When we got to the living room all the couples were already snuggled up. I looked at Zach who looked a little sad. ''You can snuggle with us'' Daniel said with a giggle. Zach responded with another giggle and sat down beside me. He laid his head on my chest just like I did to Daniel. Then the movies started. At the end Jonah, Christina, Gabbie, Tate, Zach and I were all sobbing. Corbyn, Jack and Daniel had tears in their eyes but nothing more than that. But our mood lightened a lot when Corbyn came with the idea of playing miming and gestures. You know the one where you have to get the others to guess the actor/movie/song without uttering a word. Corbyn and I teamed and the other teams were Jonah&Gabbie, Daniel&Tate and Jack&Zach&Christina. It was one of the funniest games I've ever played, cause 'Jacharina' kept arguing whose fault it was that they were losing, but let's face it they were all pretty bad at miming.

When the time was about 1 am we all went to bed and the girls and I all slept over. I snuggled up to Daniel and we just laid there cuddling for about half an hour before falling asleep. The next morning I woke up in an empty bed. Or not totally empty, cause I was still in it but yeah you know what I mean... I got up and walked downstairs where Daniel and Jonah were making breakfast. Daniel hadn't heard or seen me yet so I jumpscared him and let me tell you, I did not regret doing that. He screamed like girl and fell down to the floor. When he got up he grabbed me and pulled me in to a hug and whispered in my ear: ''Don't ever scare me like that again!''

''Or what?'' I asked and looked at him with a smug look on my face.

''Or this will happen!'' he said as he started tickling me.

''S-S-STOP!'' I screamed as I was laughing uncontrollably.

''If I stop, will you promise to never to that again?''


He stopped tickling me and started to kiss me. I kissed back until I heard Jonah: ''I'm still here...''. Both Daniel and I laughed and hugged instead.


Logan's Party was tonight and I was making myself ready. I didn't want to be too fancy, but not too casual either. I got done after 1 hour and went over to the boys's house. They were all ready except Daniel, so I just sat down waiting with the others. After 20 minutes he was done and we got quickly to the cars. We got to Logan's apartment and got to the door. Why did I have a bad feeling in my stomach about this? I mean it was going to be a normal fun party, right?

**A/N I'm so sorry it took me so long but this week has been exhausting. I've had so much homework, and so much has been going on so I really didn't have time. I hope you still like the chapter and will continue reading this story:)

I LOVE THEIR NEW ALBUM!!! It's soooo good!**

Published September 6 2018

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