Part 8

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**Daniel's POV**

''The winner is... Selena'' Jack said with a smile.

''Yes!'' She yelled happily.

''Well, here is your money'' Christina said.

''Who did you all vote for?'' Tate asked us.

''I voted for Selena!'' Zach said.

''Me too'' Jack said.

''I voted for Tate'' Jonah said kissing her cheek.

''I voted for Christina'' Corbyn said.

''I wonder who Daniel voted for...'' Christina said sarcastically with a wondering look.

I just laughed. I took the present and said: ''Selena I want you to have this''.

''But it isn't my birthday yet?''she said with a confused look on her face.

''I wanted you to have it anyway''

She opened the gift and her reaction was priceless. She hugged me so tight, that I almost lost my breath.

''This is too much! I can't pay you back yet, but I will'' she said.

''You are not going to pay me back Selena! That was a gift and you do not pay back for gifts!''

She hugged me again and said: ''Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are literally the best, and I do not deserve to know you''

''Are you kidding me?! If there's anyone that is the best person you could know it would be you!''

She looked in disbelief at the others and they nodded.

''It is actually true! You never think about yourself first and you always want to make sure everyone are happy'' Jonah said.

''How can I be so lucky!'' she said with tears running down her cheeks.

We gathered to a group hug with her in the middle, but it was getting late so we all went home, and Selena was driving with me and Zach. We were listening to music and were screaming our lungs off. Selena asked if she could put her playlist on and of course we let her. Then 1 minute later we were singing to High School Musical. I loved hearing her voice and it just gave me goosebumps, the good kind. When we got home the boys went to our house but I went over to Selena's. We talked about the good times we had in school, and how great it was that to have each other in our lives again. I didn't remember anything more so I must've fallen asleep.

I woke up with Selena leaning against my chest. She was still sleeping so I went up to make breakfast for her. That didn't take a long time so I just sat down at sofa again. I looked at her peaceful face. It was so beautiful and I didn't understand that I had her in my life again. I wanted to just grab her face and kiss her, but she didn't feel the same way about me and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. All of sudden she opened her sleepy gorgeous blue-green eyes and looked at me.

''What time is it?'' she asked.

I looked at my watch and said: ''It's 9:30''.

''How long have you been up?'' she asked and rubbed her eyes.

''For about 20 min... But I've made breakfast!''

''Thank you so much Daniel! You really know me'' she said laughing.

She had never been a morning person like me. I went to the kitchen and starting eating cause I was starving. She came 5 min. later and started eating too, so we just ate in silence for a while. Then my phone rang, it was David, our manager.

**Selena's POV**

Daniel's phone rang, so I didn't want to interrupt the conversation. I had planned to ask him if he had feelings for me. And I wanted to tell him about mine. I watched him as he spoke. His eyes began to light up, so I wondered what the person on the other line had said. He got up and mouthed 'come with me' to me, so I got up as well. He walked out to his car and I followed him. When he was done talking he looked exited at me.

''They wanna record and publish your song, so you'll have to sign a contract with them. And we're going to do that right now!'' he said with the most adorable smile I have ever seen.

''WAIT WHAT? Seriously? Omg!''

He laughed and said: ''You're going to be famous now''

''We don't know that yet! Besides the song wasn't that good''

''Come on Selena, you know as well as me that the song is really good!'' he said.

I looked at him and started giggling. He looked confused at me.

''What?'' he asked.

''Nothing, you're just too nice''

''Is that a bad thing?'' he asked looking at me with a confused smile.

''No, of course not! It's really good and I'm just lucky to know you''

''Well, I've been influenced by a certain someone'' he said with a smirk while looking at the road.

We got to the record label and found David.

''Hi Daniel! Oh I see you've brought our future star. Hi, I'm David, nice to meet you!'' he said with a polite.

''Hi, I'm Selena, and nice to meet you too!''

''Well, I have the contract right here and you just need to sign it right here! But you can read it and think about it before you sign it!'' he said.

''Thank you!''

I took the contract and me and Daniel started reading it. I ended up signing it because it looked like everything was good. I gave him the contract and he bid me welcome.

''Do you want to record your song now? We've got a free time right now!'' he said with a hopeful look on his face.

''Yeah, that would be great!''

He led me to the recording room and asked me first to play the piano and afterwards sing it. It went great and when I heard it together my eyes started to tear up. Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that I would record my song in a studio.

''Are you ready to publish the song now?'' David asked me.

I smiled at him and nodded. My song was being published now and I really hoped it would come far...

Published July 28th 2018

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