Part 5

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**Daniel's POV**

I felt the goosebumps when her voice sang the first line. It was a long time since I had heard it, but it was just as good if not even better. I had picked ''I Will Always Love You'' by Whitney Houston, because it really showed her vocal abilities. And she loved the song so she would definitely sing it with her whole heart. You could see the joy in her eyes while singing it and they had a sparkle, you would only see when she did what she absolutely loved. How could she want to hide that talent of hers? I really couldn't understand it, but that wall was finally broken down.

''That was amazing!'' Zach said when the song came to an end.

''Thanks'' she said while looking down blushing.

She even looked beautiful when she was red in her face.

''Selena have you written any songs yourself?'' Corbyn asked.

''Yeah, I've written a few songs'' she said blushing even more.

''Do you have a favorite?'' Jonah asked.

''Yeah there is one I love'' she said.

''Can you sing that too?''he continued.

''And just so you know we will record that too, is that okay?'' Jack added.

''Yeah, it's fine''

She turned to the piano and made herself ready to play her own song.

''Ready?'' Zach asked.

She nodded and as soon as Zach starting recording she began to play. The song made my knees weak and her voice was just so beautiful, and I could just listen to her the whole day. Selena Cardoso what were you doing to me?! The song was so beautiful and meaningful, and I knew that it would get famous fast!

''You're going to get famous soon!'' Corbyn said in amazement.

''I don't know'' she said in disbelief.

''Well, we're going to the studio right now to show them this'' Jack said determined.

''And you're coming with us!'' I added.

I wanted her to get the good news right away and not hear them through us. I knew they wouldn't say no, because she was too good for that. We all got to the cars, me, Jack and Selena in one and Corbyn, Zach and Jonah in the other. Then we drove the 20 minute drive to the studio and hurried inside. We saw our manager, David, and rushed over to him.

''You have to hear this!'' Zach said excitedly.

''Please tell me you have time'' Jonah said with hopeful look.

''Yeah I got some time, so what do I need to hear?'' David asked.

Zach took his computer out of his bag and found Selena's songs. He pushed play, and Selena's amazing song started playing. We all just listened in silence and when the songs ended, we waited for a reaction from our Jon.

''This girl has an amazing voice, and we have to get a contract with her. Who is she?'' he asked in amazement.

''The girl is Selena Cardoso and she's here'' Jack said with a smile and pointed at Selena.

''Are you interested in a contract?'' Jon asked her.

''Yeah, I would love that'' she said happy.

''Well, you got one! We just need to fix the papers'' he said with a satisfied smile.

He left us and Selena began to jump of happiness.

''See I told you!''

She rolled her eyes at me while giggling, and she couldn't look more cute. I had always had a crush on her, but had never told her. But maybe she heard it at the restaurant? Then she probably didn't like me back, because she hadn't said anything. Or she didn't hear about the crush...

''Hello! Earth to Daniel!'' Zach said snapping his fingers at me.

''Uh what?'' I said confused.

''We were talking about going to Disneyland this weekend'' he said.

''Are you in?'' Jack asked.

''Yeah sure! For the weekend or just a day?''

''Only one day, because the rooms are probably full booked'' Jonah said.

''So we'll probably go on Saturday'' Corbyn added.

''Sounds good!''

We all got back to the cars and drove home. When we got in the kitchen, Christina, Corbyn's girlfriend, and Tate, Jonah's not  yet official girlfriend, stood there talking.

**A/N: Just pretend Christina lives in Los Angeles now**

''How long have you been here?'' Corbyn asked before giving Christina a kiss.

''For like 10 minutes? I don't know, but not very long'' Christina answered.

''So what brought you here?''

''Well, we wanted to see you and do something with you guys'' Tate said with a smile.

''Yeah we could hang out! What do you wanna do?'' Zach asked.

''The weather is perfect for swimming, so maybe swimming?'' Christina said with a hopeful voice.

''That would be great! Selena are you coming too?''

I turned around and realized she didn't know Christina or Tate, and they didn't know her either. She was just standing there awkwardly in the background.

''Oh yeah btw Christina and Tate, this is Selena. Selena, this is Christina and Tate!''

''Hi! Nice to meet you'' she said with an adorable smile.

''Nice to meet you too!'' they both said at the exact same time.

''But Selena, are you coming with us swimming?'' Jack asked her again.

''Yeah, sure!'' she said with a smile.

''You girls can go over to Selena's and change, and we'll change over here'' Corbyn said.

They went over to Selena's and I really hoped that they would become good friends. I changed and dived into the pool. Luckily it wasn't very cold and the sun was shining. Jack was next out and he almost landed on me when doing the bomb. Jonah and Corbyn ran and dived like I did, and Zach, as the Chilly-Willy he is, stepped slowly into the pool. The girls came like 10 mins. after and when I saw Selena, I only had one thing to say; wow!

Published July 19th 2018

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