Part 22

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**Selena's POV**

I know I had known Daniel for a long time, it didn't feel like it since I couldn't remember it. I mean it kind of felt like we had known each other forever but not? I didn't make any sense right there but yeah... I looked down at him as he was sleeping with his head in my lap. He looked so peaceful with his beautiful blue eyes closed and hearing his small snores made me melt; it was so adorable. As I realized that I had stared at him for a while I got up and went into the kitchen. I got myself a glass of water as I thought about everything. My friends were really supportive and even though I couldn't remember the memories with them, I still considered them as my best friends. And Daniel was technically still my boyfriend cause we hadn't broke up or anything, but he kept his promise. He wouldn't do anything until I remembered everything again. I could see that it was killing him but it was so sweet and charming. Oh Daniel... With the perfect blue eyes which you would get lost in. And that smile with the adorable tooth gap! He was the only one I knew who could off a tooth gap that well. His hair was also so soft and it was so nice to play with it. Ooh and his abs! They were a big plus... But nothing could top his personality. He was so perfect, sweet and funny, goofy and smart... Oh my god! I had fallen for him in less than 2 weeks... Again! He came walking towards me and that's when I snapped out of my thoughts. ''How was your nap?''                                                                                                                                                   ''It's the best one I've had in a while'' he answered with a sleepy voice that just sounded so sexy. ''But why did you leave me?'' he pouted and looked at me with doggy eyes. ''I just got up to get a glass of water'' I laughed. He smiled and looked like he was about to lean in and kiss me but changed his mind. I felt kind of sad about that but things were how they were. 

It had been 4 weeks since I had left the hospital and I still didn't remember anything. My mom had visited me for a week but she had just left again. I couldn't believe that I couldn't remember my own mother! This memory loss was horrible and I just felt worse and worse as the time went by. Daniel did his best to cheer me up and he succeeded most of the time. Today we were going to Disneyland. Apparently that could help me remember, how I don't know. 

We got there early in the morning and we, and by we I mean Why Don't We, Christina, Gabbie, Tate and I, wanted to try everything before too many got here. It was a lot of fun being in Disneyland but it didn't help me remember. When the sun was about to go down, Daniel dragged me to Mickey's Fun Wheel. He said that if this wouldn't make me remember a little bit, he didn't know what would. So of course I would try it if it could help me, but I highly doubted that...

**Daniel's POV**

I really hoped this would work! This was my last hope to get her to remember, but everything seemed hopeless at the moment. We sat down across each other just like the other night and wheel started to move. We got closer and closer to the top and I was really nervous now. This was it...

**Selena's POV**

We got to the top and I looked around. The sky was pink, purple and red and Daniel's eyes were glowing. I looked at him and I began thinking about when he asked me to be his girlfriend here some months ago. OH MY GOD! I remembered something! I remembered this and I remembered him, my family and my friends! I grabbed his shirt, pulled him in and kissed him with a lot passion. At first he didn't know what was going on but he started to kiss me back after a few seconds. Gosh I loved this boy! The fact that he had just gotten me to remember and how much effort he had put in helping me. He had been there for me through everything. ''Thank you Daniel!''

**Daniel's POV**

'Thank you Daniel!'' she said with the biggest smile I had yet seen from her. ''For what?'' I said and I was pretty confused. ''I remember everything now and it's all because of you!'' I didn't believe my own ears, she remembered me and all the memories. I smiled back at her but my smile quickly vanished when I saw the sadness in her eyes. ''What's wrong?''

''It's just I also remembered what I did to you'' she said and a tear ran down her cheek. 

''Oh Selena don't think about that! Jonah told me what happened, and it's honestly okay! I'm not mad at you or anything'' I said wiped away the tear. ''I don't deserve you at all!'' she said before she crashed her lips onto mine. Sadly, the ride was coming to an end so we pulled away, got out of the booth and went over to the others. They started to jump of excitement and we all just stood there in a group hug. Could my life get any better?

**A/N Sorry it took so long, but I'm still going to try to upload more often:)**

Published September 24 2018

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