02| Like They Used To

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a/n : I changed a few things. Now Bryce died seven months ago and Parker left town a month after, spending six months in Peru. Sean returned from Military school five months after Bryce's death and spent two months in town before Parker returns for senior year. I hope all this makes sense and no one gets confused. THANKS.



02 | like they used to

SEAN BRYAN, COUSIN of Bryce Bryan. Delinquent of Payne Hills.

I hadn't seen him in over three years and I quite surprised I recognized him, well, Sean Bryan's face isn't the kind of face that you would forget, especially since he has the same eye colour of the guy I happen to be in love with. My eyes leave his and slowly go down to the rest of his body and I'm impressed by the change. He wasn't so tall before and definitely not this buff. Military school sure did him good.

"Aren't you going to let me in or," he flexed his shoulder, the surprise look on his face now replaced by a smile. "Give me a hug?"

I scoffed, "a hug? Why would I do that?"

He sighs and brushes past me, entering the house and leaving me with a loose jaw. "Because you missed me?"

"I didn't invite you in." I say instead of giving an answer to him as I cross my arms in front of me.

He stopped looking around and turn to me, "You didn't?" I give him a duh look and that stupid smile appears on his face again as he takes one long step to me and pulls me into a hug. I gasp as his big strong hands tighten around me. I totally didn't expect that, neither did I expect my nostrils to be invaded with a familiar perfume. The exact same ones from last night.

This hug is strange. Sean Bryan hugs a lot of people but Sean Bryan doesn't hug Parker Holt.

"God, I've missed you Parker."

I don't say anything and after an excruciating long moment he let's go of me, his turquoise eyes searching my face. I step back. "You're Sean?"

He blinks at the absurd question and I shake my head to rehearse that question. "The guy from last night? The guy whose car broke down in the rain and gave me a ride?"

His eyes widen in remembrance and he tosses his head back and laughs. "You? So the name you didn't want to give me was Parker?"

I feel myself blush as a smile fights its way to my face. I quickly swallow it down and look at him. "How did you not recognize me?" Unlike some other people and apart from the two inches I added, I don't think I've changed much now from three years ago.

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