20 | Wishes Like Stars

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20 | wishes like stars

"I SERIOUSLY HAVE no idea." I say into the phone, absentmindedly rubbing my toes over my rug.

"Um, I do." Blake says, "does a certain tall, dark, handsome, dreamy eyes guy ring a bell?"

I playfully role my eyes, although I know he can't see me. "I don't want to ask Sean. Why are you all telling me to ask him?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Suggesting. Same thing." I fall back on my bed. "Don't you all have another option?"

"There are so many guys that'll love for you to ask them to the dance, Parker lurker."

"Name one dateless one and I would ask him out right now." I say, leaping up in excitement. "I don't care if he has boogers, at this point I'll take any male."

Blake laughter rang through the phone and I thanked his stars on his behalf that he wasn't in front of me, else, I would have strangled him. "No, you won't."

"What? Yes, I would."


I groaned. "Yes, Blake. What do you mean?"

He sighed. "I don't think you'd ask any guy. You're just saying that now."

"The dance is literally tomorrow. I don't have any choice."

"Yes, you do. Sean." He says and quickly adds. "And I'm not saying this because I'm suggesting something. He's your friend, Parks and believe it or not, you're most comfortable around him. Give me one reason why you can't ask him to the dance."

"I-- I--" I flattered. Earlier, I had a lot of reason why Sean Bryan wasn't the appropriate dance partner but now, I can't bring myself to say it out loud and to another person, they sound foolish.

"Huh Parks?" Blake pressed when he got no reply. "What exactly are you afraid of?"

The answer to that one was surprisingly simple; my heart.

Over the last weeks, Sean and I had bonded like no other. I've been more myself when surrounded by him and if the doctors could see me now, I'm sure the word 'healing' would be associated with my name. Then there's the fact that I was once in love with him and every minute, second and hour we spend together, I can imagine those feelings rushing back. The horror of it all is I can't help it. I can't help it if I'm falling for Sean Bryan all over again.

I mask my silence and now small voice with a weak chuckle. "Nothing. What's there to be afraid of?"

"Right. So I don't see the problem."

I sigh. "Well, what if, like you he already has a date?"

"You know, Riley asked him out."

My eyes widen, "she did?"

"Yup, but he turned her down."

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