17 | Proud and Openly

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17 | proud and openly

|six months ago|

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I actually gave you food poisoning." Bryce said still in disbelief, despite what's going on right in front of him.

I groaned in response, pulling myself off the bathroom floor. "So much for a sous chef." I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my knitted sweater, walking past him and out of the bathroom.

"Arc, I'm sorry. I'm never dealing with shawarmas ever again." He says trailing behind me.

"No, I'm never dealing with your cooking ever again. You suck!" I yelled falling on my bed with yet another groan. Everything hurts.

"Ouch." Bryce said, sitting on the edge of the bed and shooting me a pitiful look. "Sweety, that's not something you say to an aspiring chef."

I glared at him from under my lashes, "What exactly are the words you say to an aspiring chef that just poisoned you?"

He squeezed his lips, "um... All hope isn't lost. One day, you'll get it right and be the chef you wish to be?"

I still glared but I watched him, my lips twitched into a smile. I threw a pillow at him. "You wish!"

He caught the pillow as expected, laughing softly at me. "Thank God you don't hate me."

"Who says I don't?"

"Your smile." He smiled, crawling up the bed, his arms on each side of my body.

"This?" I pointed at my lips which were painfully still in a smile. "This is a scowl in disguise and if I had a gun I'd probably--"

I didn't get to finish because he then cuts me off by placing his full lips over mine. I wanted to resist but its unless and I finally close my eyes, giving into the kiss and kissing him back. He eventually pulled away, a playful smile on his lips. I slapped his chest.

"You're an idiot. You'd get sick now."

"I'm your idiot and if that happens, then its the least I deserve for experimenting on you and poisoning you. Plus, we get to leave school together." He smirked and I feel his hand creeping into my sweater, warm hands on my bare skin. "Imagine what we could do with forty eight hours?"

I laughed, "why would you want us to be sick for two days? You're so evil."

"Two is always better than one."

I laughed again, "I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way."

"It does for me." He winked then pulls my sweater up, exposing my bare stomach. "Let me heal you, shall I?"

"Is this another experimentation?" I asked looking down at him.

"Unfortunately, yes." He said. "But you'll love this one."

"You said that about the Shawarma too." I retorted and he pinched me. "Ow, you--" I'm cut off as he kisses my stomach, sending shivers up my spine.

"Bryce..." He continued kissing my stomach until he's back on my lips and soon we slip into a full blown make out session. My tummy churns midway and I push him off me, rushing away to go throw up in the bathroom.

Bryce is beside me in seconds, holding my hair up and patting my back. He washed my face after and I groaned, relaxing on him. "I'm dying." I groaned out.

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