7| Missing Out

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07 | missing out

"PARKER!" I STOPPED stretching and turned to a glaring Riley. If she was white, her face could be really red right now. She looked angry and I narrowed my eyes at her in confusion, wondering what I did wrong this time. "Maybe you should sit down."


She rolled her eyes, "I said, maybe you should sit down. Check your ears would you."

"And why should I sit down? I done nothing yet to warrant that." I say balling my fist at my side.

She took more menacing steps forward until our bodies were almost touching. "When your captain says to sit, you sit!"

I fuming inside but there was nothing I could do about it. She's the captain after all. Some girls were shooting me pitiful looks and murmuring amongst themselves. Maybe they knew what this is about. I took steps back and exhaled out some fumes. "Fine but just you know that I won't be sitting for long, unless you come up with a reason for this."

She sneered and I resisted the urge to slap it off her. I walked to the bench and sat down close to my gym bag, taking my water bottle out of its strap and guzzling down half the contents.

"You were benched?" I look up to the voice and I see Sean behind me. He crosses over, so he's in front.

"Yes." I say through my gritted teeth as I watched Riley start the girls up.

Sean lifts up a gym bag beside me, dropping it to the ground and sitting on it place. "Why?"

"Because Riley Trinke is a she-devil, that why." I pointing at her, as she shook her tiny waist around.

"Riley Trinke?"

"Yes, that dark skinned bitch with the curly bun and invisible mantel of power."

"Blake's twin sister?" Sean asks again and I shoot him a deadpanned look. "Sorry, it's surprising to me, she looks so different... damn."

"Sean!" I call in disbelief letting my hands flail out. "That is not the point."

He chuckles, "Sorry, but I really can't see her as a bitch." I glare. "Leaving aside the fact that she's hot, she was also really sweet back then you know. And she's Blake's twin. Blake."

I nod understandingly, "I see where you're coming from, I mean how can someone who shared a womb with such a wonderful person turn out so evil. But I'm saying the truth, even Blake knows. And as per her sweetness years ago, that was all pretence and if it wasn't. Then you should know that people change."

"I go with Pretence. Riley has been evil since the day I met her. She hates me."

"Hmm." Sean says nodding his head. "So what did you do to her this time?"

"That's the stump. I did nothing to her!" I shake my head. "Forget Riley, she's crazy. What are doing here?"

"Nothing really. I came to watch you jump around but that obviously isn't happening anymore." He smirks and I glare. His eyes move from me and unto the field. I follow him and watch as Blake tries so hard to fit into the position of quarterback.

"Do you still play?" I ask my eyes still on the field.


"Are you going to try out?"

He starts shaking his head. "No."

"Why not?" I ask now looking at him. "You've played before. You've played with this team before."

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