8 | For The Best

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08 | for the best

FRIDAY ROLLS AROUND fast and I'm more than ready to end this school week. Turns out Nova was right about the rumors. Instead of the sympathetic looks of pity I usually got from everyone after Bryce left, now I get glares too, sneers and gossip trailing my every move. I threw myself into cheerleading practice. With everything happening I don't want to give Riley the satisfaction of finding a fault in me and kicking me out. Its one of the only things keeping me sane and rooted.

I don't think Sean knows about the rumors because it's as if he's trying to get involved with me more and more, rarely leaving me alone. He had lunch with me at the bleachers and ate up my remaining food, which was all of it. I don't mind the company at all. Sean and I are actually starting to get along and it's good. I might need him more than I'm letting on.

Now it's Friday and I'm going clubbing with Nova and a few friends from school. The only person I know and like among this 'few friends' is Blake Trinke and I sure hope his evil twin sister isn't coming along. I don't even know how tonight's gonna turn out. I keep hoping that a goes well but my pessimistic side keeps nudging me that shit is gonna blow up in my face.

I love partying or I did. Bryce and I were the party duo and its because of him, I actually know what I'm doing among a throng of drunk people. There's no kind of party he doesn't go to as Bryce Bryan and as star quarterback, and surely he drags me along. We party a lot and I grew to like it. I love dancing and partying involves dancing too.

Bryce and I took our first taste of alcohol together at a young age of nine. We hated it. We still do- did. He rarely drinks and he always says he'd like to be sober while he does crazy things so he can remember them and tell them to his grandchildren one day. Funny how he took his stories to the grave. And he's a crazy drunk and does stupid unpredictable things. To keep me from always looking out for his ass, he stays away.

I gonna get drunk at this party. I'm gonna get so drunk and do crazy things for us both. I might or might not remember them later on but that's okay. Grandchildren can kiss my ass.

"I'm gonna do this for me and you. You watch and see from heaven, you'll sure laughing your ass out after tonight." I choke out and that's when I realize that tears are streaming down my face.

"Knock knock, Parker?"

My eyes snap up to the door and I quickly start wiping at my tears. The last thing I need is more pity. Mom doesn't wait for me to answer before she opens up the door and steps in. Her eyes find me sprawled down on the floor in a heap of clothes. I quickly sit up and smile at her but she doesn't buy it.

"Parker what's going on?" She closes the door behind her and makes purposeful steps towards me. "I heard you talking... who were you talking to?"

I look around for my phone, an alibi, but its nowhere near me. I sigh, "myself."

"Parker..." She sinks to the floor beside me, her expression morphing into a worried one.

"It's fine. I was just giving myself a pep talk."

"Pep talk for what?"

"Nova and I are going to a party and it my first one since everything, so, I'm a bit nervous." I say and her features change into a soft one, before she shifts her face to mine and studies me.

"Baby you were crying."

My hands touch my moist cheeks like its new news to me. I shake it off. "Yeah, its-- its something that comes with the nervousness."

For The Love Of ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now