4| Save Me

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04 | save me

SEAN SMIRKED, AS always. I'm starting to think that he has a masters degree in smirking or that's the only thing his lips know how to do best.

I slowly turn around and my forced smile fades off immediately as I wonder what I've just gotten myself. Still in thoughts, I reach my car, then open up the passenger seat for Sean, taking a step back.

Sean raises an amused, "um... I'm pretty sure its supposed to be the other way round."

"Just get in." I say not meeting his eyes as I turn to walk to my own seat. I vaguely hear him say thanks before I got in, putting on my seat belt.

Sean imitates my action, then moves the seat to accommodate his height. I stare at his long legs and wonder if perhaps someone mistakenly poured some fertilizer over him at military school. He's so tall. Once he's comfortable, he flex his hands and smiles at me – me who have been openly watching him. I quickly look away and start the car, driving off.

I drive in silence and Sean doesn't say anything either. I would have been very okay in the silence but then I feel the need to ask, "What about that Jeep you drove on the night of the rain?"

Sean sighed, "Its Margaret's but I've been driving around with it. Fortunately, she traveled with it this morning."

"Oh." I said, then turned to him. "Fortunately?"

He shrugs, "Would you have given me a ride if I had the jeep in my possession?"

I shifted in my seat, switching lanes. "No?"

"So, Fortunately."

I wanted to ask more but decided against it. He can have this one. "Did you tell her that the jeep has issues?"

"Of course." I turned to raise my brows at him and he laughs. "I did Parker Holt, calm your tits."

My jaw hanged open but I didn't get to say anything because I didn't know what to say to that and I just spotted an empty space in the parking lot with no traffic. I beelined into it, thankful for the miracle. We got down the car and as I was locking up with my head in the clouds, Sean called my name.

"So I'll see you after school?"

"For what?" I ask locking up the car.

"For a ride back home?" He says with a smile that said duh.

"Oh." I said, the remembered the awkward talk in the car. "I have cheer leading practice after school so maybe you'll take the bus or catch a ride with a friend?"

"The bus?" He ask with a face of disgust that literally yanks a chortle out of me.

I catch myself too late and clear my throat. "Ok so maybe not the bus."

Payne Highschool has the worst school bus ever. Not only does it make weird noise and uncomfortable hops when driving, it also smells like ammonia and chlorine mixed together and that's in the morning. After school, you just mix that horrible smell with sweat from bodies and you have a recipe for disaster. Not to mention the lack of air, the bus gets very hot in this summer weather and not all the windows are working probably.

I wouldn't wish a ride on that bus for an enemy.

"I've got only Blake and he has Football practice that lasts too long." Sean continues, smiling to himself. "I'll wait."

I was going to suggest running, since he's so tall, walking home shouldn't be much of a problem. But I don't. I don't want to make it so obvious that I would rather ride home alone. And I brought this on myself anyway, I damaged his bike. I nod, "Okay then, see you."

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