11 | Really Knows Me

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11 | really knows me

MY FEET HURTS. A grumble escaped my lips as I stop walking to pull the evil stilettos off my feet. I was so tired. All I wanted to do right know was just sleep. My head and stomach hurts badly. I would have probably puked if I had anything tangible in my stomach.

"Fucking hell." I hissed stepping on a stone and yelping. If not for those weird looking men I would have been in my car with Sean and Nova going home or probably on my bed. I was waiting for him peacefully and then suddenly I saw two drunk and smoking men looking at me like I was barbeque. My first instincts was to walk away and my drunk self didn't think it through because that's exactly what I did.

Now I was lost. The roads weren't clear and I didn't know where my house is supposed to be. My feet just kept walking and walking. I was so cold and weak. In minutes my feet stopped right in front of the cemetery gate. Of course. When there's nowhere to go, go to your boyfriend's. I pulled open the gate with a loud creak and stumbled in, heading straight to Bryce's headstone.

My face changed into a frown immediately and I felt my whole body heat up. The cold giving way to anger. On Bryce's clean headstone were people-- no, correction, Hooligans. Teenage Hooligans! They looked around my age, four of them. Two girls and two boys. They were smoking, drinking and chewing nuts. On his gravestone! My instincts told me to run, hide, flee for my life. It was clear that they were dangerous people but I was mad. I was filled with rage. They were disrespecting Bryce. He was lying six feet under! How could they? So I disobeyed my instincts.

"What in the world?!" I shouted making my presence known as I stepped closer.

All four of them raised up their heads, pausing to look at me. The two boys then whistled. "Hello there, Chickita"

"What do you guys think we're doing there?" I ask ignoring the way the guys were looking at me. Was I naked?

One of the girls - the one with raven black and platinum strips on it - whacked the guys on the head and stood up from Bryce's gravestone, addressing me. "What does it look like we're doing? Are you lost?"

Yeah kind of. But that's not the point.

"That's somebody's gravestone."

She turned around as if she didn't know and turned to me with a smirk. "I can see that."

"There's someone lying six feet under." I say stressing each word.

She rolled her eyes, "your point is?"

I walked closer raising my stilettos up in the air like weapons, "Get your fücking high selves out of my boyfriend's gravestone!"

"Ooo." The others echoed.

"Shut up." I and the girl barked at once to her friends and they shut up at once looking between the two of us.

The girl walked closer to me, glaring as our foreheads almost touched. "You could be nice about it."

I glared back, "You could like not smoke and litter on his gravestone. Have you no respect? Just because he's keeping shut about it doesn't mean he's okay with it. Just you're alive," I poked her shoulder, "and he's dead doesn't give you the right to discrete his spot. I mean its not as if he wants to be there. He doesn't, okay?! He'd love to party with me every fücking Friday. He'd love to be the one I dance around with. He'd love to feel the night air and wonder at the stars. Can't you. . . Can't you. . ." I stop my rant as I'm hit by a skull cracking headache.

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