12 | Not Crazy

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12 | not crazy

TREY LINDEN HOLT, my twenty two year old brother is an undergraduate from MIT. Yeah, I know its surprising but the doofus is really intelligent, practically genius. He doesn't show it though, only on paper. He has just one more year to go and he'd be through with schooling. He could be working in the big city and making lots and lots of cash but no he's here at Payne.

He quit school. He just suddenly left Boston one year and came back home after mum got sick for the second time because of her Blood Pressure. And he refused to go back after. He decided to start working and take over, Holt's auto repair shop. It was my dad's but after dad permanently moved to Brazil with his new family, the shop has been under his friend, a kinda uncle to me, Jimmy. But then he got married and moved too.

Since then, the shop closed down. It's our property, under mom's name but mum had absolutely no care for it. I don't think she has ever stepped her foot in there. But I cared. When my dad was still my dad and he controlled his auto business and the shop, I use to spend most of time here watching him work. He'd teach me as he worked, showing me all the steps and telling me the dos and don'ts. I learnt and dreamt of working there one day. I boosted about it to anyone who had ears to listen.

That dream died after Jimmy left but was resurrected as Trey opened the shop up again. Although I want bigger and better things for him, like New York things, I'm still happy that he's around. Because of him our auto shop is back and its not just me and mom anymore. Plus he came back home from school with incredible cooking abilities. Trey has proven himself to be a true business man because the shop was back in business and earning more money, he'd even hired someone to help out and I did what I could with my few weekends.

I didn't know just how much I missed this place and it's scent until I stepped into it again after six months of being away.

"Hi Declan," I greeted the hired guy, my sorta friend as I followed Trey into the store.

"Morning, boss." Declan greeted Trey even though Trey was just two years older than him. Trey rolled his eyes at him, tossing the car keys at his face as he walked in. Declan smiled, turning to me. "Parker?"

"In the flesh." I say spreading my arms open and shaking my body a little. As expected Declan rushes to me and lifts me up in a hug.

"It's so nice to see you again little." Declan says spinning me around.

I smack his arm, "I'm not little. Do I look little?"

"Yes, very." He says and I shake my head.

"You're blind then."

"How was Peru? Its Peru, right?" He asks as I walk past the shop, stopping at the opened garage door.

"Yup, Peru. It was fun. Mingled with a lot of Peruvian's." Peruvian doctors.

"Lucky. It's nice to have you back, I've missed my favourite employee."

I smile, "you mean your only employee?"

He sighs, "don't rub it in."

I laughed entering into the garage and being attacked by the familiar scent of grease, fuel and cars. There were lots of car around, some abandoned for life and waiting to be torn apart and some needing attention. Trey was already walking on a shiny Mercedes. He wastes no time. I shouldn't too. I walk into his small office by the side, once it was dad's office. There was a desk and a black leather chair with one drawer set at the side of the wall and another wooden chair at the other side of the desk. Up on the ceiling was air conditioner and that was everything there was in the small office. On the desk was an apple laptop and various scattered sheets of paper.

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