19 | Moments Expected

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19 | moments expected

I'VE NEVER BEEN so tired of lying down as I am right now. I've been on my bed since yesterday – every students dream, I know but I'm officially sick of my bed, my comforter and my room walls. I can't stare at them any longer, I can't also sleep and I'm pretty sure Nova has had it with my voice.

Unfortunately I can't leave either. I physically can but emotionally can't.

After I left Sean's house in the morning, I came home and summoned Trey and my mother for a talk. It wasn't easy, it actually took a lot of effort from me. Sean's was there and on normal cases I should be shy about opening up like that in front of him but he refused to leave and all through the talk session, he held onto my hand. It was nice. Hand holding have never felt so comfortable.

I recounted my breakdown issue with the mirror in my room and the graveyard stuff, how I broke my hand. Mum actually kept her composure well and hugged me, Trey's expression was just like Sean's. A jaw set frown and drawn brows. My biggest fear was that they would be disappointed in me but that wasn't the case. They weren't happy and I'm pretty sure they blamed themselves. At this point, I don't know which is worst.

Mum set an appointment with a doctor and Trey told me to never close my doors again. I promised to do better and now even though I'm sure their watchful eyes would never leave me, not Trey's anyway, I just need their trust again. Whilst going back to my room, I heard mum's muffled cries, I guess the whole keeping cool thing was just an act for me and Trey been peeking into my room every hour to see me. It's tiring but I need to let them do it, for my good and theirs too.

My room opened and I looked up, expecting to see Trey again but instead, my eyes almost pop out as I see Sean Bryan instead. I shouldn't be so surprised since he lives next door, has no sense of personal space and we shared a bed but I am. I haven't seen him since confession morning.

"What are you doing here?"

He shuts the door behind him with a smile. "Missed me?"

"No, I wa--" I didn't to finish my answer before he literally pounced on me. Sean dived into my bed, using his hand to support himself a bit so his full weight isn't slamming on me, then proceeds to completely lie on me, wrapping his hands around me in a hug.


"I missed you." He confesses snuggling his head into the crook of my neck, his leg resting over mine.

"I did not. Get off, you're killing me." I'm not exaggerating. My heart is beating ER mode and he's actually heavy.

"Liar. Confess you did and I might just get off." He asks pushing his head closer my neck. I feel something wet and moist flick over my neck and as weird as it is, that actually builds a giggle inside me.

"Sean." I burst out in an embarrassing giggle. "God, I can't believe you're licking me."

"I know you've showered. You smell great." He murmurs, then repeats it again causing me to squirm under him.

"Sean, stop!"

"Confess, Parker." He does it again, I giggle and he looks up. He has this beautiful smile on his face as he scans my face. I try to keep the smile off my face off but I just can't.  "Beautiful."

"What?" I ask cocking my head to a side, to look at him better and strategically keep my neck off.

"You." He says and before I can say anything more, he beats me to it. "Is this some kind of kink for you?"

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