22 | Far and numb

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22 | far and numb

It's been two weeks since I last interacted Sean. Two bloody weeks. And in this two weeks I've only seen him in school like three times and that's just in the field. I never see him long enough and he's doing a damn good job at avoiding me. Not that I mind because to some extent, I'm avoiding him too.

At the Sadie Hawkins dance, my kiss with Sean was interrupted by a drunk dude who was looking for a place to take a piss. We slowly got out there and bumped into a plastered Nova who was ready to go home. The dance was over and many people had left already. We all got into the car and the ride was silent except for Nova's drunk rambling that I was barely paying attention to. Sean Bryan just kissed me... and I kissed back! My whole senses seemed activated and buzzing with electricity. I couldn't look at Sean but I could feel him occasionally looking away from the road and back at me. I pretended to be listening to Nova just replying with 'yea and uh huh' but in reality my heart was playing a drum only I could hear and my mind was swimming with thoughts that I couldn't place a finger on.

Nova was going to sleep over at my place so we went straight home. The last thing we said to each other was goodnight. Funny how I didn't even get the goodnight, I didn't sleep at all.

From then on everything things been hazy. I tried so hard to concentrate on work and my studies. I successfully did that... partly but Sean was literally always on my mind. There was always something to remind me of him, including strange things like maths. I was spacing out more than usual, touching my lips more often and exercising a lot. I concentrated so hard on work that I finished Sean's bike in the space of the two weeks. Trey helped me a bit with funds and I went to the workshop after school on the days without cheer practice.

I've started seeing the specialist mom got for me, although now it seems like there's no need for it because I've been too busy to think about Bryce Bryan or even the thought of harming myself. Well, there's a little lie there, I did think about Bryce, just not as usual. Sometimes he just pops in whenever Sean does.

I have a feeling things are going to get more interesting though, because Margaret Bryan is back.

"You look shinier." Mom complimented, eying Margaret's new hairdo as she diced carrots on the counter.

"That was the point isn't it?" Margaret replied and she and mom chuckled.

"No, the point was to stick together or at least call every week." I whined, pouting as I brought ingredients out of the fridge. We were at the Bryan household, mom came up with this bizarre idea to throw Margaret a dinner in her own home. It was brilliant to some extent.

"Aw Parks, honestly I wanted to. I was really tempted and worried too." She sighed. "But I couldn't, that was part of the idea of getting away, I'm sorry."

"Are you paying mind to Parker?" Mum asked throwing a dice of carrot at me. "Like she called while she was away."

I hugged Margaret. "Yeah, don't you dare apologize to me. I am a hypocrite."

Margaret cupped my face, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Aren't we all?"

Just then the front door squeaked open and we waited patiently until Sean walked into the kitchen carrying a duffle bag. He paused, taking in the environment. Turquoise eyes landing on me but moving on my mum in a second.

"Oh wow, a full kitchen." He said causing mom and Margaret to laugh. I just smiled shyly, my body reacting to his rich voice. I've missed hearing that so much. "Sup Mrs Holt, Parker..." He greeted, nodding at us as he hugged Margaret.

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