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Melanie Santiago lays in the hospital bed, in labor with a monster as she sees it. She was raped by a monster, unable to fight back. The monster was too strong, which made it impossible to fight him off.

Doctor Rafael Climenteen has been cutting Melanie Santiago for about an hour. He is kind of horrified, due to the child biting through Melanie's tissues as he finds the baby. The babies green eyes open as he pulls the baby girl out, and he quickly sees up Melanie, who seems to be dying within minutes.

"Name her quick, before you die." Doctor Climenteen demands.

"The monsters name is..." Malanie wheezes, caughing weakly. "Logan. Logan Grace Santiago."

The doctor carried the baby to a secluded part of the maternity floor, because he isn't sure what she was. He lays her down, and he calls social services. Logan can be placed into foster care, until she is old enough to be on her own at eighteen.

Harold and Pamela Sheplin of Florence, Italy are Logan Santiago's first foster parents. They picked her up the day doctor Climenteen called social services. That was two days ago.

Pamela Sheplin is frightened when she enters Logan's room, and finds an eight months old version of her.

"Harold! Call the police!" Pamela screeches. "And social services!"

Harold mumbles in Italian as he sees Logan, whom looks eight months old now. He grabs the phone off the wall so quickly, he nearly drops it before he dials both numbers needed. His pale blue eyes are locked on the quickly aging baby.

Roberto and Francine Marcos of Rome are the next family for Logan. They think the odd change was nothing, and weren't scared. They settled with the baby names Logan Grace Santiago.

Roberto is a computer technician, and Francine is an artist. Francine paints from home, so she has plenty of time for a baby. Until she saw a five year old version of Logan. Francine stopped painting, ruining the work, and stared at the child with fear filled eyes.

And that was in for the Marcos family. The Italian social services eventually couldn't find anymore families who would take Logan, because of her rapid growth. The American social services agreed to give it a try.

Emila Rogeston was the social worker who flew across the world with the child, because she couldn't alone despite her odd genius mind. She is very smart, even as she is in the five year old form. Emilia brought Logan to to an orphanage Port Angeles, Washington and left her there.

That's when her forever family found her, Carlisle and Esme Cullen of Forks, Washington.

"Hello," the owner of the orphanage says, "may I help you?"

"I was looking to adopt." Esme says, wanting a true child.

"There is Logan Santiago, she was shipped over from Italy." Shannon, the social worker, says. "A couple fostered her as a newborn, went in two days later and she looked eight months. Logan want to another family, and was like this at five. Then she came here. This was all within five months. I'm unaware of why she grew like that..."

"Perfect." Carlisle replies, knowing the girl isn't human.

Esme sighs in relief, she was hoping not to have to explain being a vampire to a human. "Logan sounds great. We will adopt her. I don't wanna foster."

"Neither of us do," Carlisle says, knowing his wife is very excited for a child.

Shannon leaves some paper work with the two vampires, and she walks away. Esme smiles at her husband happily, and she begins signing away. Carlisle is reading the paper work about her, which happens to be in Italian.

"Shannon must have used Google translate to understand this." Carlisle says. "Logan was born in Florence, Italy to a Melanie Santiago."

"Logan Grace Santiago-Cullen." Esme muses as she scan the Italian words, and smiles. "Her mom died at child birth."

"Melanie Santiago was human, Esme." Carlisle says to his vampire wife.

Esme looks up at her husband and is about to speak, before Shannon shows up with a five year old girl. The girl has brown hair and green eyes, and she has a hesitantly smile on her pale face.

"This is Logan." Shannon says, before shooing the little girl. "Go on, those are your new parents. They adopted you, they're you're new forever home."

Logan's green eyes widen in joy, and she runs up and jumps into Esme's open arms.

"What's my name now?" Logan asks.

"Logan Grace Santiago-Cullen." Esme replied as Carlisle signs the rest of the papers, finalizing the adoption.

"Pretty." Logan replies as she watches Carlisle hand Shannon the papers. "Bye-bye, mean lady?" Logan says to Shannon, and laughs.

Esme hurriedly carries Logan out and smiles. "Was Shannon mean?"

"Very mean."

Edward Cullen eyes the little girl when Esme puts her down, studying her. Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen are behind him. Rosalie and Emmett are gone, hunting or something.

"What's your name?" Jasper asks, again, he loves how intelligent she is.

Logan rolls her eyes. "Logan Grace Santiago-Cullen."

"Jass, quit asking her the same thing." Alice scolds. "Logan, do you know why you've grown this fast in five months?"

Logan shakes her head, relieved by not having to repeat her name. "No.... Humans don't age like this, I know.... Everyone in Italy grew scared of me, they had to bring me here."

"We aren't humans," Edward says.

"Must be why you're not scared." Logan replies, sighing.

As Logan grew up, she grew to be close friends with Jasper Hale and Emmett Cullen. She finally stopped aging at the age of nineteen.

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