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I look around at everyone who has showed up. Jacob Black is the only wolf here so far, Bella has already greeted him. My entire family is here, along with Jacob and Bella.

A solid black wolf, the same size as Jacob, existing the woods first. A few more wolves follow after him. The black wolf sees me as he stops, unable to go further, I'm standing right in front of him.

Are you the hybrid?

"Yes, I am." I reply. "I read minds, like Edward."

I'm Sam Uley, alpha to this pack of wolves.

"Hi." I greet before I motion for Sam to follow me.

"Welcome." Carlisle says, I stay beside Sam, he has a znice body temp radiating off of him. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He knows how to defeat them?"

How are the different than you? ~ Paul Lahote.

"They wanna know how they're different from you guys." I say, smirking at the brown wolf who as say on my other side.

"They're a great deal stronger than us." Carlisle replies, shaking his head in amusement by me. "Because they feed off human blood, it lingers in their veins."

"I eat human blood with my meals, I can take them." I mumble, hearing Paul laugh in my head.

"Our kind is never more powerful than the first several months in this life." Carlisle says, ignoring my snide comment.

"Carlisle is right." My ears perked up as Jasper speaks, and he paces in front of the wolf pack. "That's why they're created. The newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army can stand against them. The two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly." Sam grunts, causing me to giggle. "And second, don't go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that, and you will lose?"

Jasper turns to walk away, "Logan!"

I hop up, causing Jared Cameron to laugh this time. I flash over to where Jasper stands.

"Don't hold back." Jasper tells me.

"Not even if you bed and plead." I smile before we begin our training.

Edward and Carlisle step up, face to face. I sit back down with the wolves, between Sam and Paul again. Edward gets Carlisle down, then turns away.

"One more thing." Jasper says with an amused smirk, he's having way too much fun with this. "Don't turn your back on your enemy."

Edward and Carlisle train against each other for a little while more, then Rosalie steps up to train with Jass. I carefully lay my head against Paul's wolf, and he actually let's me. Next up against Jasper is Alice, this will be interesting.

Want a ride to the treaty? Paul asks me as the training continues, I'm tired.

"Carlisle! Can I go to La Push?" I ask, causing Sam to perk up. "I'll come back with Sam or Paul for their training tomorrow."

"You're the one loophole in the treaty, being only half vampires." Carlisle replies.

Paul lays down so I can climb onto his back. Paul stands once he realizes I'm on safely, and he takes off running through the trees. He is running toward La Push, and I easily take my hair down as he slows to a trot.

Why'd you let go? Paul asks.

"You slowed down, and I let my hair down." I reply as he enters Sam's backyard.

Get off. Paul says before I hop off.

Paul's wolf goes into the shrubs, and I hear skin ripping. A man walks out, who has a torso full of abs and a beautifully structured face. Paul's eyes are a chocolate brown, and his eyes are kindly think. My eyes wander to his torso.

"Nice abs, Paul." I wink.

Paul just laughs. "Nice long hair, Logan. Don't yard at Emily."

"Okie dokie." I chirp as I loop arms with the hothead, omega wolf.

Paul chuckles at my happiness, and he walks us inside. There is a petite woman standing by the phone, waiting for Sam to call I'm guessing. When she heard us, she turns to us. Her full face shows, and I notice claw marks across her jaw. Those scars don't make her any less beautiful.

"Emily, this is Logan, the hybrid Esme and Carlisle bloodsucker adopted." Paul says. "Logan, this is Emily, Sam's imprint."

"Hello, Logan." Emily greets. "It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, Emily." I say as I look around. "Lovely home."

When Sam gets home a few hours later, Paul gives me a ride to the treaty line. I believe this hotheaded wolf and I became friends. I thank Paul before I speed home.

I go straight to the kitchen and make myself some pancakes. Yes, I'm having breakfast for my dinner. I drizzle some human blood over it like syrup. I hum in satisfaction, and I take my first bite. Jasper has a seat beside me.

"I'm friends with Paul, I believe?" I say. "Much to my surprise, because he's a hothead and hates Vampires with a passion."

Jasper grins. "Good."

Jasper and I talk for the rest of the night, I'm not the slightest bit tired.

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