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A couple days later

We are all standing around outside, with the Denali coven and a couple more. Garrett seemed hesitant at the beginning, then he realized how I'm here and not with my husband.

The sun is up, and bright. The shade from our backyard trees keeps the bright, winter sun from hitting our skin. Snow flaked begin sticking before we all hear something in the trees.

Someone's coming, and they're uninvited.

"Whatever is coming is uninvited," Jacob says before he goes into the trees.

I close my red eyes as I listen into the trees. The uninvited vampires see running across tree limbs and changing our trees. Jacob had phased, and is trying his best to catch them.

Two vaguely familiar vampires come. The Romanians...... Oh crap. I tense visibly as the snow white and the dark haired vampire perch themselves on a huge rock, Vladimir is looking at me directly with an amused glint in his eyes.

"Vladimir, Stefan; you're a long way from home." Carlisle speaks, and I gasp--- I recognize Vladimir from wanted list in the Volturi castle halls.

"We heard the Volturi we're moving against you?" Vladimir replies, still watching me. "But you will not stand alone."

"We did not do what we were accused of." Carlisle says, defending his family.

"We do not care what you did, Carlisle." Vladimir replies smoothly, eyeing me still.

"We have been waiting a belinium for the Italians scum to be challenged." Stefan says, not even noticing me yet.

"It is not our plan to fight the Volturi." I speak, causing Stefan to snap his attention towards me- looking shocked.

"Shame." Vladimir replies as I stare into the shocked eyes of Stefan. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed.."

He's right, dammit. I glares towards the snow white haired vamoire, who is smirking at me. He knows that I'm aware of this.

"They do enjoy a good fight." Stefan replies.

"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar questions, looking at me. .

"He is alot like you all." I speak. "He won't stand alone."

Vladimir looks at Stefan and then to Carlisle. "Still hoping they'll listen?"

I roll my eyes and I flash inside, and place my hands on the counters. When my eyes close, I take sixty breaths before opening them. Vladimir is standing right in front of me.

"You alright, Mrs Volturi?" The Romanian Vampire asks me, looking genuinely concerned.

I nod. "I'm fine, thanks."

"You're not joining this fight, are you?" He questions as he sits into he stool right beside me.

"I can't." I reply easily. "Marcus Volturi is my husband, and the Cullen's are my family."

"I understand." Vladimir admits, looking at me. "Cannot believe I'm having a civil conversation with a Volturi."

"Want to hunt animal blood with me?" I ask, pushing his comment aside.

He notices, and smiles. "Mi-ar plăcea, doamnă. (I would love you, mrs)."

Vladimir and I leave the house, for a good hunt.

Author's Point Of View

Carlisle and the rest of the family watch as Vladimir goes into the trees with Logan. Stefan stiffens at the sight, but relaxes a bit as Renesme leaves the house.

"This is the child Aro wants to kill us over." Carlisle says. "The is amazing. This is Renesme Carlie Cullen."

Stefan jumps down and takes the child's hand. "I will help protect you."

Renesme gently places her hand on the Romanian man's cheek. His red eyes grow wide as she shows him her first memory of him. Stefan stands and looks at Carlisle.

"We wish to join, and help."

Logan's Point Of View
Vladimir is doing great, he's caught a grizzly and two deer. He is used to humanblood, much like myself. He seems to like animal blood, though.

"I see a change of diet in my future." Vladimir says, looking at me. "Logan, Marcus will be very angry with you for befriending a Romanian, because of what our former coven did to Caius."

"So be it." I reply. "I was born a Santiago, NOT a Voturi. I was raised by the Cullen's, not the Volturi. You're not my enemy."

Vladimir smiles at me before we walk towards the house. "Stefan and I wish you join your family."

I nod, and we step through the shrubs. Garrett and Stefan are laughing at something, while Eleazar is talking to Carlisle about this fight coming. All Alice will have to do is let him read her mind.

She texted me, yesterday. She had a vision- about the meeting. Aro will see the outcome if there's a fight, and he'll change his mind.

This is December 1. It'll be sometime in January when the snow sticks. I'll be in Forks for a while. I'm not complaining at all, I've missed my family, my coven. No matter what my last name is, I'll forever be a Cullen.

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