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The following Monday morning, graduation posters are all over the halls, along with banners in the hall arches. Jessica is dating Mike, Angela is dating Eric, and Tyler is finally dating Lauren. I've missed a lot in Italy. And my human friends and vampire family sit together at lunch now.

Jasper hasn't let me leave his side since I arrived back from Italy, that all know of the human blood I digested.

In lunch, Alice is talking about yet another party. This party is to celebrate graduation.

"I mean, how many times do you get to graduate from high school?" Jasper asks, causing me to elbow him in the ribs.

"A party sounds great, Alice." I say, I've missed Alice's parties while in Italy.

Jessica is rambling on about how she's never been to our house, and Angela helplessly listens to Jessica. Mike is talking to Jasper about graduation, and Eric is taking pictures of us, for final moments. And much to my surprise, Bella let's him get one of her with Edward.

"Alice's parties are always fun." I tell my human friends. "I love them."

"Can't wait." Jessica muses, she loves a good party.

Marcus Volturi's Point Of View

I look at the new picture I have on my dresser, replacing the one of me and Didyme. This one is of Logan Santiago and myself. We had it taken a week before Edward Cullen showed up.

Caius has been giving Felix hell, after he sent her flying across the throne room. All I did was have Felix come out to the training field with me, and I threw him across the yard- which is almost 1000 miles, then I was done with him.

Aro is his usual self. He hasn't bothered Felix, because of how Logan fought back and defended herself. The only reason for her and Felix's fight is because of her loyalty to the Olympic Coven.

I rub my thumb over Logan's face, and sigh. I'll see her again, one day.
Logan's Point Of View

I walk through the halls with Jasper, because Alice is already in her Home Ec class. Jasper and I have advanced, senior history. This class should prepare us do any college history classes.

"Alice knows how to throw parties," Jasper admits. "I'll give her that much."

"I agree, do be honest." I reply. "You're still my brother."

"Always and forever, I meant that when I said it." Jasper says, smiling.

"Good, I'd have to kill you if you abandoned me." I wink before I take a bite of lettuce and cherry tomato.

I go straight home after school, everyone else hangs back. I go up to the kitchen and grab a blood bag from the kitchen. I boil some macaroni, remembering a way Benny made a meal for me.

Once my macaroni is boiled and drained, I mix the blood in. Carlisle has walked in, and is watching in amusement.

"Looks good, Logan." He compliments as I put myself some in a bowl.

"The chef in Volterra taught me," I smile. "Benny is an amazing chef. He's a vampire."

"I am going to hunt, that human blood is really tempting." Carlisle says.

"It isn't to me, all that much." I shrug. "It just tastes better with a meal."

Carlisle smiles at me and he leaves.
Author's Point Of View

Carlisle Cullen leaves the house as Logan finishes her meal, and he enters the woods. Esme is in the clearing, doing some yoga. Carlisle's wife might be a vampire, but the woman believes in fitness.

"Esme, you'll never believe what I just witnessed." Carlisle says.

Esme jumps up, placing a head on her emtpu chest. "Carlisle, you startled me."

"My apologies, dear." Carlisle says as he pulls his wife into his arms. "Logan is using human blood in her meals."

"That's what she wants, let her have it!" Esme says. "She hasn't hurt anybody."

Carlisle kisses his wife, unable to control himself. "You're the best, Esme. The absolute best."
Logan's Point Of View

I wash my dishes and dispose of the blood bag when I finish my meal. Carlisle is still gone when I finish up. Smiling to myself, I hear the others pull up. Jasper is the first one in, and he smells the human blood.

"Was it good?" Jasper asks me, witha teasing glint in his golden eyes.

"Yeah, mixed with boiled macaroni." I wink before climb the stairs, before Emmett can begin questioning about me eating human blood.

I close my bedroom door behind me, and I begin feeling tired. Yawning and mumbling a few choice words, I climb into bed and I collapse into the softness. My eyes soon close, and sleep finds me.

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