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A month and a half later.

Prom has passed, and it was fun. Today is September 13, Bella's birthday. I haven't felt the coldness in a few days, because of my vampire side. I think that trait might be coming out, officially.

Alice has decided it would be fun to throw Bella a birthday party. After school. Everyone but myself has went to school, I'm not wanting to go today. I'm home, helping Esme set up Alice's design idea.

"Alice and her parties." I say with a laugh. "She is so convincing, people just don't say no."

"I know." Esme admits. "She'd make a good professional party planner."

"I agree." I say, as Edward walks in with Bella. "The dress Alice bought you is up in Edward's room."

Bella nods before she goes upstairs. Edward gives me a short nod before he follows behind her. He loves Bella, he wouldn't hurt her. No matter how hard it is to be around her.

The family all comes in, and they all get ready for the birthday party Alice is throwing for Bella. I stand beside Jasper, while Alice waits for Bella by the steps. Alice is the most excited about the party, and it's Bella's birthday.

After about half an hour, Bella comes downstairs. The dark green dress looks amazing on her, and her natural waves flows down her back.

"Sorry about all this." Carlisle says, before mumbling something about Alice.

"If that's even possible," Esme muses lightly. "Happy birthday, Bella." Esme pulls Bella into a short hug.

"Thanks." Bella mumbles, looking very shy.

Alice snaps a picture out of nowhere, and smiles at Bella. "Found it in your bag."

Emmett turns to Edward, I've moved by their sides. "Dating an older woman. Hot."

Edward and I look at Emmett, as if he's grown two heads.

"What?" He gasps, looking between the two of us.

Rosalie hands Bella a gift, and steps back quickly. "It's a necklace, Logan picked it out."

"Thanks." Bella says to me.

"You're welcome." I mumble, smiling.

"Show me the love!" Alice squeaks, pushing Bella into Edward, then snaps a picture. She hands Bella a box, I know it's empty. "This one's from Emmett."

Bella shakes the box, and heats that it's empty. I elbow Emmett in the ribs before he talks.

"Already installed it in your truck." Emmett says, his hand gripping my elbow. "Only a decent sound system for the piece of cr...."

"Hey!" Bella interrupts him, making me laugh. "D-don't hate the truck."

I flash down to Bella, and hand her a wrapped wrapped present. "Open Carlisle and Esme's."

"Just something to brighten your day." Carlisle comments, a grin on his face as I step beside Jasper, who is really tense right now.

"You've been looking a little pale lately." Esme adds.

Bella goes to open the present, and slices her finger. The scent of her blood fills my nose, and I feel my eyes change.

"Jass.... It's just a little...." Alice says before she freezes. "Blood."

Rosalie and Alice grab me, Carlisle and Emmett grab Jasper. I've never been like this around blood, never since I stopped aging. I stare at Bella's blood and j fall limp, giving up before falling to my knees.

"Get Jasper out of here." Carlisle demands, as I stare blankly at the puddle of blood.

"Sorry, i-i can't." Alice nutters before she leaves.

Author's Point Of View
Carlisle Cullen sees Logan in her daze and he sighs, she's never been this way over blood before. "EMMETT!" Carlisle calls.

Emmett Cullen flashes in and he sees the daze his hybrid sister is in. He flashes over to her, Carlisle not saying another word as he gets Bella upstairs.

"Logan." Emmett says as he gently shakes her, trying to pull hey from the daze. "Come on, come back to us...."

"Let me try." Jasper Hale says as he walks in.

Emmett sighs before leaving to room, to pack. The Cullen's are leaving. They know Logan won't stay in Washington. Carlisle is almost certain she'll go to Italy, to be written Marcus, her mate.

"Hey, Logan." Jasper says, squatting beside the dazed hybrid. "You almost slipped, so did I. The family, we are all leaving."

"No Forks?" Logan Santiago questions in a whisper, blankly watching Esme clean up the blood. "No more slipping?"

"You can go to Italy." Jasper tells his sister, that he's grown am outstanding bond with. "Be with work your mate."

"I'll be safe?" Logan asks innocently, staring up at Jasper.

Jasper easily helps Logan stand. "Yes, you'll be safe.".

"Will you still be my brother?" Logan asks.

Jasper kisses the top of Logan's head. "Always and forever, Logan. Always and forever."

In Italy, the Voluri just received word the Cullen's were leaving Forks. What puts them au ease is that Logan is coming to Italy. Sulpicia is quite fond of Logan Santiago.

"Logan is coming back." Marcus Volturi soeaks, smiling only a little.

"Yes, she is brother." Aro replies, staring ahead.

Logan's Point Of View

Jasper stands with me at the security gate, I'm about to leave for Italy. Jasper was the one who was able to get me out of the human blood daze, he almost slipped too.

"You'll be safe over there." Jasper says, smiling at me. "They won't hurt you."

I hug Jasper once more, before I walk through security. I board my place to Florence, and I find my seat in coach. I'm not special or rich enough for first class, like the snobby rich people are.

I stare out the window as the plane takes off, I see Jasper watching with Alice from the window. I frown, and I fill the plane take off at full speed.

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