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Several months later.

I sit next to Marcus, on the arm rest on his throne. His arm wraps around me, as if it's regular. It is. This is where I spend my time here, if I'm not in the kitchen with Benny. Benny has become a good friend, plus he can cook good with blood.

Chelsea walks in, her heels clicking, with Edward behind her. My eyes widen as I stand, and Felix lets me stand by him. Edward smiles at me when he notices me, but his expression changes as he looks at Aro.

"Bella is dead." Edward says, and my green eyes widen. "I want to die to. Would you do me the honor?"

Aro's eyes widen at the suggestion and he stands, before he flashes over to where Edward is standing. "You're asking us to kill you?"

"Yes, that is what I'm asking you." Edward says. "It sounds dumb, but I cannot live without Bella."

Aro frowns. "I'm sorry, Edward, but I have to deny your request."

Fine. I'll expose myself. Edward thinks before he storms out.

"Aro." I speak, flashing in front of him. "Edward wants to expose himself, I read his mind."

Aro grabs my hand and he sees I'm being honest. "Go with Felix and Demitri, since you read. Felix, Demitri, do NOT let Edward Cullen get close enough to expose himself."

I leave the throne room with Felix and Demitri, and we find the elevator near the end of the hall. I click the button for the bottom floor, then I step back between the two vampires. Felix smiles at me and Demitri has that serious look on his face.

Demitri isn't bad, on the days where there isn't trouble. He's actually a real goof ball.

I lean against the wall of the inside of the castle walls, the doors are open. Edward is standing at the doorway, barely out of the sun. The St Marcus day festival is going on outside, so the castle yard is full of humans celebrating the extinction of vampires in the city.

Out of nowhere, Bella jumps in Edward's arms and pleads for him to open his eyes. I grab Demitri's arm, to keep him from prouncing on the two. Edward finally opens his eyes, and he sighs when he seems that Bella is alive. Relief fills his golden eyes.

"Gentlemen." Alice voice speak, as she walks in. "There's a festival going on."

Alice and I smile at each other before I head Jane's heels clicking on the stone floors. Felix holds me back, because Jane and I don't get along at all.

"Aro would like to see you." Jane says to the uninvited guests; Edward, Bella, and Alice.

I flash to the throne room, and Marcus welcomes me into his lap. I kiss his jaw before the doors open, and in walks Bella.

"What a happy surprise, Bella is alive after all!" Aro muses, stepping down as he walks closer to the couple. "Isn't it wonderful? I just love a happy ending." Aro speaks with his chilling voice, and he takes Edward's hands so he can read him. "They are so rare... The blood appeals to you so much... It makes me thirsty." Aro pauses for a brief moment, to glance towards Bella. "How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It isn't without difficulty." Edward admits, and Marcus's hand rubs my lower back.

"I can see that." Aro says smugly, chuckling to himself.

"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with just one touch." Edward says to Bella, then runs his attention back to Aro. "And now you've seen it all, so get it over with."

"You're quite the slow reader yourself, Edward." Aro speaks, smirking. "Though, you cannot read Bella's thoughts." Aro says, and he drops Edward's hands.

"You can go home with them." Marcus whispers. "Alec, go and pack Logan's things."

Alec nods, and leave quickly.

"Fascinating." Aro says, causing me to jump a little. "I want to see if she's an exception to my gift as well... Would you do me the honor?" He holds his out towards Bella.

Bella looks at me, as if asking if she's safe. I nod my head as Marcus grips my leg.

Aro takes Bella's hand and he looks bemused. "Interesting.... I see nothing. Is she immune to all our powers? Shall we, Jane?"

"Pain." Jane says, with an evil smirk on her face."

I jog down and I hug Edward when I see Jane's gift doesn't work. He huffs at the impact and hugs me back.

"Hey, kid " Edward greets, smirking.

"She knows too much." I hear Caius say, and I turn my head in his direction. "She's a liability."

"That's true." Aro speaks softly, he eyes me cautiously. "Felix."

Felix nears Bella"m, and I flash in front of him. Felix sends me flying across the room, and I land against a stone post. Marcus stands quickly with Caius, as I dust myself off.

Felix's eyes widen before I flash over and knock him across the room. Alec carries my bags in, and his eyes widen at the scene, and the cracked stone post.

"Felix, you'll be lucky if Marcus and Caius don't hurt you." Alec says before he sees the two duffle bags in front of me. "This is easier than ten suitcases."

"Thank you, Alec." I say before Marcus flashes over to me.

"Have safe travels to Forks, my love." Marcus says. "You're forever mine."

I kiss Marcus on his lips before I leave with my vampire family and we catch a flight to Port Angeles, Washington.

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