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About a month later.

Partita di baseball. That means baseball match, in Italian. The coven loves baseball like any human, but we can only play during storms. Edward is bringing Bella today, to show her how we do.

Emmett is jogging in place as Rosalie stretches out. I stand beside Jasper, who is holding the bat calmly. He watches everyone stretch and talk, and I mimick him. Jasper and I have become pretty close over the past month. Emmett is still that annoying, overturned protective brother that I love. 

I notice Edward leave the trees with Bella, and she looks tense. As always. Rosalie rolls her eyes burn Esme flashes over to Bella.

"I'm glad you're here." Esme says, as she squeezes Bella's shoulders. "We need an umpire."

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett comments as he passes them, going to the outfield.

"I know you cheat." Esme comments, laughing. "Call them as you see them, Bella."

"Okay," Bella replies before the games actually begin. .

I sit on a tree stump, because I don't normally play. I grab the ponytail from my jacket pocket and I pull my long into a high ponytail. I cross my leg Indian style, and watch the game.

"STOP!" Alice yells and I flash over, stopping between Esme and Carlisle. "They were leaving, but they heard us."

"Let's go." Edward says to Bella, not concerned about anyone else.

"It's too late." Carlisle says discreetly, we hear the dead leaves crunching beneath the group of vampires feet.

"Let your hair down." Edward demands, Bella and I both pull the ponytails out of our hair. "Not you, Logan."

"Like that'll help." Rosalie sneers in Bella's direction. "I could smell her from across the field."

"I shouldn't have brought you here, I'm so sorry." Edward says to Bella as he puts a baseball cap over her head Asin.

"What?" Bella asks in a panic, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Just be quiet and stay behind me." Edward demands as we see three figures leave the woods.

The one in the middle is blonde, and looks very mean. His arm is draped around a firey redhead, whose eyes are as red as his. On the blonde male's other side is a dark skinned vampire with dreads. All three vampires share the crimson eyes.

The dark skinned man holds up the baseball, and throws it to Carlisle. "I believe this belongs to you."

"Thank you."Carlisle responds.

"I am Laurent, and this is James and Victoria." Dreads introduces himself and the other two vampires, actually causing me to relax a bit as I remain beside Carlisle, staring Victoria in the eyes.

"I'm Carlisle, and this is my family." Carlisle replies, wrapping a secure arm around me.

"Hello." Laurent greets, and I smirk.

"I like him," I whisper to Carlisle and see Laurent smile at me.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused quite a mess for us." Carlisle replies, after he shushes me.

"Our apologies." Laurent says, sounding very serious. "We didn't realize the territory had already been claimed." He's telling the truth, I can read his thoughts.

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle replies as I eye Laurent, who seems genuinely shocked.

"Really?" Laurent asks, his crimson eyes meet my green ones. "Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through."

"The humans were tracking us." Victoria says, hey voice sending shivers down my spine. "We led them east, you should be safe."

"Excellent." I say, staring down the female.

"Could you use three more players?" Laurent asks, eyeing me with approving eyes, and notices Carlisle's hesitance. "Oh, come on! It's just one more game."

"Sure, why not." Carlisle responds, removing his arm from my shoulders, and I speed over to Laurent- who is surprised. "A few of us were just leaving...." Carlisle eyes me, and laughs at Laurent's widened eyes. "You can take their place. We bat first." Carlisle then throws the baseball.

Victoria reaches her hand out, and gracefully catches the ball. "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball."

"Oh, I think we can handle that." Jasper comments, eyeing me.

"We shall see." Victoria says to James.

"What's your name?" Laurent asks as the others go to walk away.

"Logan, I'm a hy...." I'm interrupted by James hissing.

"You've brought a snack!"

Laurent grabs my arm, to keep me from attacking James, and he flashes away with me. "James would have eaten you alive, Logan. I could not let you attack him."

I stare into the crimson eyes of the French vamoire who just saved me. "Yeah, thanks for that."

"What was you saying, before we were so rudely interrupted?" Laurent asks as we walk towards the house, he wants to warm Carlisle. I read his mind.

"I'm a hybrid." I reply. "I'm part vampire, and art human."

"Interesting." Laurent says as we enter the house, and he goes to find Carlisle.

"You get along with everyone." Rosalie says as she enters the house. "It's worrisome."

"Can't help it," I shrug. "Laurent isn't bad. He came to warm us about James. He's a tracker, and won't stop until he has Bella."

"We will keep her safe." Emmett says as he enters the house. "Where'd you go?"

"I was about to attack James, but Laurent flashed me away before I could." I reply. "I could have been killed, but that french Vampire saved me."

"I wish I could do more." Laurent says as he comes down, Edward freezes at the door with Bella right behind him. "Please, I've come with a warning."

I step out onto the balcony, and I stared at the trees. This has been a very long day, and I usually love when the family plays baseball.

Marcus, I'll come visit you soon, my love. Promise.

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