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A month later.

It is my special day already, I'm getting married. Athenadora has helped me with my beautiful dress, and the black wrap around belt, and black lace on the top edges of the sweetheart neckline. Athenadora adds some elbow length black gloves for looks.

Sulpicia does my hair for me, and some light makeup. (like in the pic above). The two Vampires step back, and they smile in approval. I stare into the eyes of Athenadora, nervous. She just smiles, so I know I'll be okay.

After about two hours of primping me, I am standing in front of Marcus. Marcus is dressed from head to toe in black and deep red. His bright crimson eyes says he fed. Good. The Italian mister person begins. I'm staring into the eyes of my soon to be husband.

"Io, Logan Santiago, ti porto, Marcus Volturi, a essere il mio legittimo marito sposato, ad avere e trattenere, da oggi in avanti, nel bene, nel male, nel più ricco, nel più povero, nella malattia e nella salute, fino alla morte noi parte. (I, Logan Santiago, take you, Marcus Volturi, to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death dous part)." I say softly, Marcus stares into my eyes and he repeats those Catholic vows.

"Ora sei dichiarato marito e moglie, ora puoi baciare la sposa. (You are now pronounced husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride)." One we hear those words, Marcus grabs both sides of my face and he connects his lips with my own.

When I pull away, I look into the eyes of Marcus and whisper so our human priest doesn't here, "Per sempre è tanto tempo per un Vampiro. (Forever is a long time for a Vampire)."

Marcus smiles before we see the humans leave the throne room, to be prepped for a feeding. Aro and Caius haven't fed yet. I find the blood wedding cake Benny make for me, and I smirk before cutting a slice.

"Sei bellissima." Benny says as he comes up behind me. "Lovely ceremony."

"Grazie, Benny." I reply as I take a bite of the cake. "Yummy cake, thank you for baking it for me."

"It was no trouble." Benny promises before he sees Marcus walking over. "Here comes your husband. Congratulations, Mrs Volturi."

Marcus wraps his arms around me as he approaches me, and nuzzles his face into my neck. "Can I have just one taste of the human in you?"

I whimper, the feeling of desire strong. "Sì."

Marcus rubs his hands up my sides, until they rest on my shoulders. He sinks his teeth into the crease between my neck and shoulders. I let out a soft moan at the intense feeling of passion that erupts through me.
Author's Point Of View

As soon as he tastes the human in her, Marcus knew he was hooked. He grips onto the shoulders of his new wife as he removes his lips from her neck, and he leaves his face in the crook of her neck. The smell of her human is intense.

Carlisle Cullen grabs the phone quickly from Alice, he hears what Isabella has told her. The human is pregnant, and this could lead to some serious trouble with the Volturi. They'll count themselves into this.

"Carlisle, tell me this isnt happening." The frantic voice of Edward Cullen comes into the speaker, causing Carlisle to close his eyes.

"Get home as quickly as possible....." Carlisle demands, thinking of Logan.

Logan's Point Of View
Marcus finally let's go of my shoulders and he allows me to turn around, and face him. His crimson eyes are dark, he is hungry. I nod as I realize he's pleading, and he disappears to feed.

My eyes scan the room, and I don't see anyone I invited from Forks. I invited Carlisle and Esme, I invited Jasper and Emmett, I even invited Rosalie. None of which even made an effort to come.

I get that they want to avoid the Voturi, but are they going to avoid me now? Jasper always said he would be my brother always & forever. But why isn't he at my wedding? I needed my brother here.

Unless they're in some kind of trouble, and cannot come around the Volturi. What have Edward and Bella done that's so bad, that y brother wouldn't come to my own wedding?

I step onto the chambers I share with my husband, and I easily slip out of my wedding gown. I walk into the bathroom, and I run some bath water. I let my long hair down and I watch as the tub fills.

"What are you thinking?" Marcus asks, walking up behind me.

"I want to kill my human out, and become full vampires." I reply. "I could drown myself in this water..."

"I'll stay right here, I'll pull you up when the human side is dead." Marcus says, and he turns the water off. "Get in."

I slowly sit in the lukewarm water, and I slowly emerge my entire body and face under the water. My human vagina to suffocate and panic, and Marcus helps by holding me under.

My green eyes open and meet my husbands red eyes, until the world turns black.

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