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The plane lands at an airport in Florence, Italy; this is the place I was born

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The plane lands at an airport in Florence, Italy; this is the place I was born. I'm officially home.

When I leave the plane, I find Felix waiting for me. His shades and his hand is on, to help block out the sun. I smile to myself, and I approach the vampire.

"Ciao, Felix. Andiamo a casa." I speak, catching him by surprise.

"I didn't realize you were already here." Felix says I'm English, with a hard Italian accent like my own. "Let's go home."

Felix leads me to a fancy Italian car, with every window tinted. He opens the passengers side door for me, and I slide in before he his to the other side in human speed. There are too many humans around for him to vamp out. He knows he'd he dead if he exposed himself.

Marcus has gotten himself a beautiful Italian mate. Lucky, lucky vampire. Felix thinks, and I smirk as he opens the car door.

The Volturi castle comes into view after an hour and a half in traffic. A smile finds its way on my face as Felix opens the doors, and Demitri comes into view.

"Marcus wants you fed, before seeing you." Demitri says, sighing. "Benny is waiting."

I squeal happily before flashing away from the two vampires, and I find myself in the kitchen. Benny smiles at me and hands me some bloody chicken. It's cooked. Instead of using BBQ sauce in the oven, he used human blood. 

"Godere." Benny says, telling me to enjoy.

As Benny washes the dishes he cooked with, I begin eating my food. I had realized Benny's red eyes, he was changed while I was gone.

"E 'stato fantastico, Benny." I compliment before I head towards the throne room.

Right as I enter the hall to the throne room, I am greeted by Alec. He smiles when he sees me before he drags me into the large room with three thrones lining the very end.

Marcus is in front of me in a second, Alec jumps back in surprise. Marcus narrows his eyes at the young vampire, and Alec speeds out. Marcus takes my hand when Alec is gone, and he leads me further I to the room.

"Logan!" Aro exclaims, taking my hand. "I am honored to welcome you back home."

"It's an honor to be here, Aro." I reply, eyeing Caius. "I think Caius is still mad that I called him snow bunny."

"You didn't know his name, miss Santiago." Aro reoliws, smiling back at a grumpy Caius. "Brother will soon get over his anger."

Marcus has sat in his throne again, and he has leaned back. Caius keeps staring at me, and won't remove his crimson eyes. The grumpiness is no longer evident, just curiosity.

"Jane, being Logan to Marcus's room." Aro demanda. "Get settled, Logan, and enjoy the alone time."

Jane smiles at me before she grabs my suitcases, I have ten. Alec, Felix, and Demitri help carry my suitcases too.

Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demitri place my bags on the bed on we reach the room I'm gonna be sharing with Marcus. They leave immediately, and I begin unpacking.

I find a picture of Marcus with a female vampire as I scan the photos on the dresser. This must be Didyme. Her crimson eyes are dark in the picture, darkwr than Marcus's. She was hungry.

"We hadn't had a chance to feed yet." Marcus's deep voice says from behind me. "We were going to use that, on the wedding invitations. She was killed one week after this picture was taken."

I grab Marcus's hand as I turn to face him. "Didyme was beautiful, Marcus."

"That, she really was." He replies as he looks at the picture. "But I have you, now."

"Forks will always be home to me." I admit. "I'll be here with you, until I'm needed there."

"Your loyalty reminds me a lot of Didyme." Marcus says with a smile. "It is very admirable."

I place a gentle kiss on Marcus's cheek, and he takes my hand. Marcus walks me up to his secret balcony, and we watch the city. Marcus wraps his arms around me from behind, and he holds me tightly as we watch the sun set.

I flash away from him earning a laugh, and I go to the kitchen. Benny has already make me lasagna, with blood instead of pasta sauce. He hands me a plate as I sit on a stool, and hands me a glass of ice water.

"Grazie, Benny." I muse as I take a bite.

"Di niente, Logan." Benny replies as he washes up the used dishes and slurps on the rest of the blood.

"Logan." The voice causes me to freeze, holing a fork full of blood lasagna right in front of my lips, Caius. "I thought I'd find you here, after you left Marcus."

"I wanted to eat." I shrug as I take the bite I was fixing to take before Caius surprised me. "Tonight is a sleep night, and I'm already tired."

"I will never understand hybrids." Caius says as he sits. "Benny, borsa del sangue, per favore."

Benny quickly hands Caius a blood bag before he disappears.

"How do you like Volterra?" Caius asks, sipping on his blood.

"It's beautiful, that is very much true." I reply as I wash my own dish, Benny has disappeared.

"I agree." Caius says as he walks me up the flights of stairs, to my and Marcus's room. "Good night, Miss Santiago."

Marcus smiles at me as I close the bedroom door behind me, and I change into a silk night gown. The color of it is, of course, black. I climb into bed, and Marcus pulls me into his arms.

The tall vampire grabs both sides of my face, and he connects his lips with mine. The world outside of the castle seems to stop as I am stuck in this moment, with this vampire. Marcus pulls away and lets me rest my head on his chest.

Marcus strokes my hair as I begin to slowly fall asleep, and doesn't stop until I'm fully out. 

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