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I rub my fingers over the body of my white Volvo, I left it here, before sliding in. I start up the soft sounding engine, and I drive to La Push.

After the thirty minute drive, I pull up behind Sam and Emily's Jeep. Paul's truck is parked beside Jared's Nissan Altima car. A smile finds my face as I walk into the porch, and knock on the door.

"Logan!" Paul chants when he opens the door, and hugs me. "You're back in Washington!"

"Um... Yeah .." I mumble. "Aro, Marcus, and Caius found out about Nessie."

Paul tenses before he invited me in, and I am hugged by two more wolves. Paul tells than what I said, about my husband and his brothers found out about my niece.

"I'm staying away from the scene." I say when Sam looks at me in shock. "I warned my vampire family, and I wanted to tell some family as well."

Sam hugs me tightly, and he smiles at me when he pulls away. "Thank you for telling us."

I look to see Emily smiling at me, and Jared with his eyes widened. He just walked into the living room, and saw me standing here. Jared seems pretty happy I'm here.

"Hey, Logan." Jared greets me calmly, instead of acting like his usual self. "Can I hug you?"

As soon as I nod my head, Jared Cameron attacks me with a humongous hug. He spins me around before he sets me back on my feet, and he kisses my head.

"Wait a second." Jared says. "You've cut tor hair!"

"Yep." I reply. "I decided I needed to."

"I like it, Logan." Jared compliments. "Goes with you, being full vampire and all."

I wink playfully at Jared before I decide I'm ready to head back to the Cullen's. I hug each wolf before I drive back to Forks, and find Jacob still here with Nessie. Wolves and their imprints, how sweet?

I go inside, and find Jasper hurried in his usual history books. I plop down beside him before realizing Carlisle is gone, and see Alice getting ready. That's when I realize that Jasper is dressed for an outing.

"We will be gone until the Volturi comes." Alice says. "Well, the rest of the Volturi."

Those words come out kinda rude, but I Push it aside as Jasper gives Alice a scolding look. Jasper hugs me quickly, before he rushed Alice put. I see Edward, Bella, Nessie, and Jacob get into Bella's new car before those four are gone.

I find Emmett out back, jogging in place while Rosalie is hunting. I guess it's just the three of us for a while, until Carlisle and Esme get back with their witnesses. Edward and Bella went to Alaska, to get the rest of the Denali coven, since Irina turned on them.

"Wanna practice fight?" Emmett asks. "For old times sake?" 

I take off my jacket and heels before I flash into the middle of the yard, Rosalie returns from her hunt right at that moment. Emmett and I begin circling each other, before I slide between his legs and flip him.

Emmett grabs my ankle before throwing me, causing me to land beside Rosalie. I leap up and land perfectly on my feet, and I flash towards Emmett. We both fly up at the same time, and I slam him to the ground ~ leaving my hand around his throat.

"I practice with Alec and Sulpicia all the time in Italy, Emmett." I whisper before I let go. "That was way too easy."

Emmett laughs before he and Rosalie go inside. My eyes scan the trees, before I run through the beautiful nature. I catch a couple male grizzly bears, and two male deer before I meet Emmett and Rosalie back at the house.

"May as well feed off animals while I'm in Forks." I say to them as I take my heels back off. 

"I agree." Rosalie says. "How's married life?"

"It's well." I smile. "I love being married to Marcus, he's amazing."

I sit on the couch beside Emmett, and he actually hands me a bag of human blood. I meet his eyes, hesitant.

"Eat." Emmett demands before he sits back. "You may need it when everyone begins returning with witnesses. They'll know you're Marcus's wife, it's all over the vampire population."

"Kindly figured it was." I mumble before I sip on the delicious human blood. "A royal vampires wedding never stays under the radar for long. Chelsea prob let make it pretty public."

Rosalie smiles as I slurp down the rest of the blood, and I dispose of the bag. I step out onto the balcony and the breeze gently blows my hair back. My eyes lock on a ser Of yellow eyes. The facr he doesn't growl tells me it's either Sam, Paul, or Jared. For some odd reason, Embry and Quill aren't my biggest fans. I believe it's because of who I'm married to.

A smile finds its way to my face, and I close my red eyes. The distant howls calm me as I think of what's about to happen. Aro, Caius, and Marcus are traveling to Forks. They think they'll dispose of this problem, when there is no problem at all.

Sighing, I let the howls consume me and welcome me to my happy place.

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