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3 days later.

I stand in the clearing, waiting for the newborn army to come. I'm standing between Jasper and Rosalie, the wolves are behind a huge rock. They will wait until last minute to join the fight, in order to catch the newborn vampires by surprise.

I notice a bigger male in the front first thing. "He's mine." I reply Emmett.

I flash forward as the rest of the family does, and I jump onto the bigger newborn. He throws me and I stick a perfect landing; like a cat, I always land on my feet.

I run over as Emmett pulls the vampires arms back, and I hit his head-on causing it to fall clean off. I smirk at my kill before I'm lured into a fight with a blonde haired, female vampire.

I drop the last vampire body onto the large pile, and I drop a match on them. I see Leah Clearwater's fighting with the final newborn, she's struggling. I notice Jacob running over, and the vampire wraps it's arms around Jacob's torso.

Emmett and I both run over. I grab the vampires arms and tug him back roughly, and Emmett yanks his head off. Carlisle looks tense as Emmett tosses the body on the fire, and I smell a familiar vamoire. Jane.

"How long?" Carlisle questions, knowing exactly who's coming.

"A few minutes..." Alice replies softly. "Maybe ten?"

"The pack needs to leave." I say quickly. "The Volturi won't honor our truce with werewolves."

Paul looks me in my eyes in his human form, veofre each pack member carefully pick Jacob up. They all leave the clearing, right on time.

"They're coming!" Alice chirps.

Four figures leave the darkened trees, the fire showing their faces. Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demitri. They eventually stop, right on the other side of the fire.

"Impressive." Jane says, her voice more chilling that ever. "I've never seen a coven escape an assult of this magnitude intact."

"We were lucky." Carlisle replies as I eye Alec, he is smirking in my direction.

"I doubt that." Jane says, of course she does.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec comments, looking away from me an towards Edward.

"Yes." Jane speaks, her crimson eyes land on me. "It's not often we're rendered unnecessary."

"If you'd have arrived half an hour sooner, you'd have served your purpose." I speak, looking the red eyed vampire in her eyes.

"Pity." Jane responds, and looks behind us. "You missed one."

"We've offered her silence for her freedom." Carlisle replies quickly, trying to save the young vampire behind us- her name's Bree.

"That wasn't yours to offer." Jane replies in her monotone voice. "Why did you come?" Jane demands towards Bree, using pain. "Who created to?"

"You don't have to do that." I say as I jump into Jane's way of focus, knowing she won't use pain on me because of Marcus. "She'll tell you anything you wanna know."

Jane stares me in the eyes, rage in every speck of her red eyes. "I know."

"I-i don't know." Bree nutters, terrified as she steps up beside me. "Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe."

"Her name was Victoria."  Edward speaks, saying the name of the creature who changed Bree. "Perhaps you've knew her?"

"Edward," I speak gently. "If the Voturi had knowledge of Victoria, they'd Ave ourva stop to it? Isn't that right, Jane?" I stare into the red eyes of Jane, and she just smirks.

"Of course." Jane responds, staring at Bree. "Felix?"

"She didn't know what she was doing!" Esme jumps in to defend the young Vampire, mistake, the Voluri don't give second chances. "We'll take responsibility for her."

"The Volturi don't give second chances?" Knew it. "Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know she is still human." Jane says, referring to Bella.

"The date is set!" Bella protests, causing me to roll my eyes from my spot next to the young Vampire named Bree.

"Take care of that, Felix." Jane says, referring to Bree. "I'd like to go home."

Felix walks over, and he looks down at me. I furrow my eyebrows towards him before he goes towards Bree, and screams escape her throat.

"Are you joining us?" Felix asks me, the others are watching.

"Not today, Felix." I reply. "Soon, but not today."

"See you soon, Logan Santiago." Felix says before the four Volturi members leave the area.

"You don't fear Jane?" Carlisle asks, referring when I stepping into the path of her pain.

"If she hurts me, Marcus will slaughter her." I Rey. "So no, I'm not scared of Jane. As long as I have Marcus, she won't harm me."

"Logan." Bella says as she walk up to me. "Edward proposed to me, I said yes. I want you to plan it."

I smile. "Have Alice plan the event, she's the event planner here. I'll be a bridesmaid or something."

"Okay, that works." Bella says with a smile.

I look around the empty clearing as everyone leaves, and I flash to the Black residence in La Push.

"Logan!" Paul chants when e sees me, chuckling. "The Voluri leave?"

"Yes." I reply as I sit on the railing, Carlisle just arrived here. "They left."

Jacob's first set of screams causes me to flinch, and Paul easily rests a warm hand on my knee. I close my eyes as I listen to Jacob scream, and I head tires squealing to a stop. By the sound of Paul's growl, I know it's Bella. Plus, I can smell her.

"Bella, he's asking for you." Carlisle says as he leaves the house. "Let's go home, Logan."

I give Paul a hug, before I jog to Carlisle's black Mercedes. Once both of us are safely in the car, Carlisle speeds back to Forks.

Jasper is in my room, with a plate of bloody oatmeal. He hands it to me as I sit beside him on my bed, and I devour it in minutes. I lay on my back beside my brother, and we remain in this comfortable silence for the rest of the night.

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